Vfw auxiliary prayers. 99 In Stock: Quantity: Add to Cart: Detailed Description.
Vfw auxiliary prayers Let us keep a candle lit in our minds and hearts for them while we enjoy togetherness Whether it’s by attending a POW/MIA ceremony, setting a special POW/MIA table at an event, or holding a candlelight vigil, the more than 1. org VFW Auxiliary, Department of Indiana, Inc. Sincerely Past Commander Howard Davis Post 7677 Medford NJ & District 11 Past President Connie Davis. We must be reminded that the Veterans of Foreign Wars is comprehensive in nature, embracing all religions and faith groups within its ranks. PETER HOOK NATIONAL ANTHEM KATHE DECARLO Welcome to the Missouri Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The head is bowed slightly during prayer. Abridged for posted national colors and includes nominations, elections, and contemporary order VFW Auxiliary - Department of NJ. Although not part of the undraping ceremony, the following prayer may be given by the Chaplain: Chaplain: Heavenly Father, as we remember (name of deceased) and honor the memory of our departed comrade, we are indeed grateful for his/her service and sacrifice. Please bless those members who could not meet with us. Learn how the VFW is working toward the fullest possible accounting of all military service members from all wars. Peter R. Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. Presides over Memorial Services. CREDENTIALS REPORT CHAIRPERSON BARBARA KOLLAR VFW/AUXILIARY State Convention June 13, 2023-June 18, 2023 Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel 4650 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA. 20 • Memorial Prayer for Departed Comrade p. President will notify the Chaplain with any special requests for the service. Continue Thy blessings upon us and our families, we pray Thee, and guide us during our deliberations. 34465 . Showing Proper Respect to the Flag Note: All such services are commemorated by use of the VFW or Ladies Auxiliary ritual. VFW Chaplain material has been consolidated in one location at the national level at: https:// chaplain. Ken Chaplin in Failing Health. “Attention” in the VFW Auxiliary means hands at side, head up with eyes looking straight forward. But is that why we exist? Is that the purpose of the Chaplain? The Chaplain exists to minister to veterans and their Whether you have been selected for your religious training, or past VFW experiences, you are expected to be the spiritual advisor to your Post and its members. shirts. 20 • Members of the Armed Forces p. VFW Post 8870 and Auxiliary > News > VFW Ritual and Rules. Help us Lord to remember them as we Note: All such services are commemorated by use of the VFW or Auxiliary ritual. OPENING PRAYER . A step-by-step VFW post meeting ritual guide and script for running a by-the-book meeting. 15 • Loyalty Day Prayers p. Guide us in Chaplain: Each evening the children of our comrades, at the VFW National Home, kneel at their bedsides in reverent prayer to Almighty God. (“I make a motion the 2018 VFW New Haven post elections be an open vote from the floor. Please watch for posts and pray for those that are in need. , 10th Floor Kansas ~ 3~ Lord, as we depart to go our separate ways, we ask your blessing for our nation. Patriotism and Flag etiquette are taught to VFW Congressional Charter By-Laws: Article II, Sec. Photo courtesy of the Bazdorfs. Theo, who joined VFW in 2009, said that he and Jan are not just chaplains who show up to meetings to offer prayers. Being a member of the Post’s Memorial Team will provide an opportunity for contact with the grieving family and thus provides a caring ministry to them. Sends cards to ailing members on all levels. All reactions: 4. All members (new, seasoned and legacy) are encouraged to read “ Understanding Auxiliary Traditions ,” a guide to help all members learn about the VFW Auxiliary Ritual and the unique things The page contains every VFW Auxiliary Program in alphabetical order. ey s orn, epartment Secretary/Treasurer VFW Auxiliary, Department of Indiana, Inc. N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714 with 25 members in attendance. com 2 American Legion Auxiliary Chaplains’ Prayer Book INTRODUCTION At the 86th National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, a vote was taken to create an American Legion Auxiliary Chaplains’ Prayer Book. Stocked Items - VFW Stocked Items - Aux Personalized Mens Apparel Ball Caps Tactical Caps Knit Caps Personalized Hats Personalized Ladies Apparel Patriotic Blue Star Items Jewelry & Accessories Misc Patriotic Apparel General Rules of VFW Ritual. Edmonds Post 8870 of VFW is a tax exempt veteran’s organization under 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code. html. 6. It is the duty of every American to remember the men and women whose We stand beside the families who continue to burn the candle of hope, as the VFW actively helps our government perform the most humanitarian of all humanitarian missions in bringing closure to these families. Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of their unit and department and have been chosen to conduct all religious services. 5 %âãÏÓ 129 0 obj > endobj 163 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[55F8C849E16925418C4EB2A5205ACC39>14127E7F7F4D0D42A639B02B43E18F5B>]/Index[129 54]/Info 128 0 R WASHINGTON – On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) emphasizes the gravity of honoring and remembering the more than 140,000 former American prisoners of war and some 83,000 service members who remain missing and unaccounted-for. This will happen within the VFW and also at This is true for the VFW ritual prayers and also for the spur-of-the-moment spontaneous prayers. 34th St. Due to recent changes at work, I feel that VFW/AUXILIARY State Convention June 13, 2023-June 18, 2023 Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel OPENING PRAYER STATE CHAPLAIN REV. (This is an appropriate place to do the “Draping of the Charter” Ceremony). We thank thee for Thy many As a VFW Chaplain, one of the main things you will be asked to do at many of the functions you attend, is to offer a prayer. Department President selects the individual for the Memorial Address on even numbered years. 217) (Revised 20180307) NOTE: Prior to the opening of nominations, the Post shall decide form of election (open vote, written secret ballot, poll system). Comment. Conductress: _____ _____ For all who lives in Florida asked for prayers Can you help me? 🙏🙏Asking for a prayer. 111; $2. 290 likes · 335 were here. 5. Sept. 17 • Independence Day p. 99 In Stock: Quantity: Add to Cart: Detailed Description. You are a liaison between the VFW Auxiliaries in the District and the Department Auxiliary. VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters 406 W. We are getting an online prayer circle going. com texts, and most importantly PRAYERS after my husband’s stroke on 17 July. Credentials 8:00 a. The Celebration of Life for Gene Perrino will be held on February 22nd from 11-1 at: Fero Funeral Home. VFW Auxiliary Post 2070, Monrovia, California. org Note: All such services are commemorated by use of the VFW or Ladies Auxiliary ritual. 11, the Veterans of Foreign Wars encourages every American to join together as it remembers and reflects on a day that of tragedy that Americans will never forget. This is followed by a short prayer. 8655 • vfwauxiliary. 2 Contents A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CHAPLAINCY 4 THE UNITED STATES MILITARY CHAPLAINCY 4 or past VFW experiences, you are expected to provide care and be the spiritual advisor to your organization and its members. Any issues or concerns should be brought to the attention of the Department President or Chief of Staff. 21 • Korean War Remembered p. VFW Meeting - Closing Prayer Almighty God, the hour has come when we must part. Charter Drape Stock Number: 02530 Description: Used to drape the VFW Post or Auxiliary Charter at the time of death of a Member. My love to everyone who reads this. 21 of the VFW Post _____. Author: Editor July 1, 2014. These prayers may come from the American Legion Auxiliary Chaplains Prayer Book, or they may be others that the chaplain has found or written on their own. %PDF-1. Vice Commander; Chaplain of Auxiliary; Past Commander; President of the Auxiliary. This haplain’s Guide was developed to assist you in the performance of KANSAS CITY, Mo. The Memorial Team is an important part of the honors offered to a veteran. December 23, 2022 VFW Auxiliary 9578 Chaplain Jan Bazdorf and her husband, former VFW Post 9578 Chaplain Theo Bazdorf, take a self-portrait at Post 9578 in Alpine, California. Item Number: 355. EXAMPLES THAT COUNT: 1st responders (Police/Fire August 2024 HOLY BUCKETS!!! The 24-25 year is upon us. 8655. Head is bowed slightly during prayer. Prayer’s work. Opening Remarks Welcome to the South Dakota Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Please keep her family in your prayers. 13 • Banquet Prayers p. Showing Proper Respect to the Flag • During our Ritualistic meeting, the President will say “Salute” when the flags enter and leave the room, as well as when we say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the national anthem. Here are a few things I have found to be helpful. We are an organization consisting of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandsons and granddaughters of those persons, both male and female that have honorably served in the Armed forces of the United States. This is the Official Facebook Page for the Reynoldsburg, OH Post 9473 Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. , 10th Floor Kansas City, MO 64111. Most Chaplains prefer to uncover, but there are some who remain covered. 1,159 likes. Para 13(b) Members will follow the action of the Chaplain or presiding officer relative to removal of caps during prayers; . 13w. Includes more than 80 non-denominational, non-sectarian prayers to reflect the true views of the "Service to God & Country" programs of the American Legion Auxiliary; VFW Post 2064 Auxiliary of Maybrook, Maybrook, New York. Here is a copy of a Charter Drape that can be purchased from the VFW Store. Conductor/Conductress: Color Bearers, Altar position. - Serve as a member of the Auxiliary’s bereavement team which will provide an opportunity for contact with the grieving family. and Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to • Closing Prayer . Whether they are over-seas in harm’s Delivers opening/closing prayers. MINUTES OF THE VFW AUXILIARY XXX REGULAR MEETING HELD ON 9/10/2020 The meeting of the VFW Auxiliary # was called to order at 7:0 5 PM on Thursday 9/10/2020, by President at the Post Home located at 4145 34th Str. Reynoldsburg VFW Auxiliary Post 9473. Since the days of the Civil War, humble Americans have gathered together on Memorial Day to remember and pay tribute to all who have fought and selflessly surrendered the precious gift of life, so that other could live free. He is much improved, although there are still some residual effects. Parade Rest. 813A Paragraph 6. ALL: Amen more familiar with the Ritual of the VFW Auxiliary. VFW Chaplain Meeting Prayers (VFW 2023 Ritual) The-Public-Reading-of-Ritual-Prayers by Reverend Peter R. Auxiliary monthly meetings are on 2nd Friday at 1pm. Find a Mentor: Find a mentor who you are comfortable calling and working with to improve your skills Reynoldsburg VFW Auxiliary Post 9473, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The Department President shall forward the VFW Auxiliary Charter to National Headquarters. ) Detail: Commander; Officer of the Day; Chaplain; Sr. . Ken is a long-time member of our Post. Attached is the photo I would like to use in the June 2025 Special Centennial convention book. A final tax return(s) is/are to be filed by the Treasurer of the cancelled entity. Whenever the Chaplin is on the floor to open or close the Bible, everyone should stop all movement and stop talking – not a peep! VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters 406 W. PRAYERS FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS PRAYERS OF INVOCATION (Opening) Almighty God, in whom we live and move and have our being, we come into Your presence in hope and VETERANS DAY PRAYER Almighty God, Father of us all! We, Your servants, turn to You for continuance of Your blessings upon us. This is a one-page document that has only the prayers needed to be offered during a Step- and adopted parents, children, siblings (and half-siblings), grandparents and grandchildren are considered the same as biological parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren and may join the VFW Auxiliary under their VFW-eligible veteran. You know their needs, both material and spiritual. • “Attention” in the VFW Auxiliary means hands at side, head up with eyes looking straight forward. News, Newsletter Articles. VFW Post 8870 Foundation is a tax exempt charitable organization under 501(c)(3). Americanism can be found on the left-hand side. VFW Auxiliary 12098, Buckeye, AZ. ” Add: \(VFW\) PRAYERS FOR MEETINGS Opening Prayer Heavenly Father, We come to You in gratitude for the opportunity to serve our veterans, active military and that the good of the American Legion Auxiliary and those we represent will be our foremost consideration. Cards may be sent to: Mrs. May we continue his/her efforts as courageous protectors and true The chaplain will offer the benediction, either extemporaneous or from the Prayers for Various Occasions, followed by a period of silence and the playing of taps. Required: Hold at least one VFW Auxiliary District Meeting each year to promote School of Instruction for VFW Auxiliaries Officers and Chairmen. • “Parade Rest” means the left foot is moved slightly to the side while bringing the arms to the small of the back. Chaplain: As we gather here today as members of the VFW Auxiliary, we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our services to veterans. PETER HOOK. 4753 “Attention” in the VFW Auxiliary means hands at side, head up with eyes looking straight forward. VFW Meeting Prayers. Hook, Chaplain, Department WI VFW AUXILIARY 2024-25 GENERAL ORDERS February 2025 MUST BE READ AT MEETING Volume 3 - Issue 7 What's new in the store GENERAL Orders and Program Bulletins can be found on the Department Website at: Let’s keep looking forward, remembering those who need our support, prayers, and healing thoughts. Beverly Hills, Fl. Guide us in our deliberations that we may make sound decisions for our Auxiliary. WELCOME TO VFW AUXILIARY DEPARTMENT of FLORIDA . VFW Post 8870 and Auxiliary > Prayer. We beseech Thee, O God, to bless the dependents of our departed comrades, and to comfort all who gave their loved ones to our nation's cause. Made in the USA. I feel that I am ready and here I come First off, I would like to thank my MN Grand for the support they have given me through the DEBIT CARD – The Auxiliary may have ONE (1) Debit Card as set forth in Sec. The prayers on the following pages are a compilation of those Post 3513 Auxiliary; Chaplains Prayers; Veterans Resources; Event and Hall Rental; Post Pictures; Photo Albums; Get in Touch with Post 3513; Become a Member Post 3513; VFW National Bylaws; Post Charity Games; Post 3513 background and his/her service to the VFW and the Post. There are multiple links and tools which you can share across your local communities and within your Edmonds Post 8870 of VFW is a tax exempt veteran’s organization under 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code. A National organization to be known as “Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary National Convention,” to be abbreviated as “VFW Auxiliary National Convention. Following the religious ceremony by the Pastor, VFW Members present will follow Chaplain _____ - - walk in single file up to the casket (stand near head and face seated family). 4 million members of the VFW and its Auxiliary ask everyone to remember the service and sacrifice of America’s former POWs, and to keep the candle of hope lit until all our nation’s missing service men Non Profit Organization VFW Post and VFW Post Auxiliary membership ID required upon entry. Veterans Helping Veterans and their families, Helping Veterans in need with Rent, Utilities Ect. “Any member can make a motion prescribing the method” (RONR 431). Refer to the VFW or Auxiliary Ritual for more information. Shirt Friday July 19, 2024 TODAY at 4:45 pm, VFW Post 10005 took a group photo of members wearing R. 19 • Pearl Harbor Day p. It is expected that they will so dignify their office that all fellow PA VFW Auxiliary Chaplain’s Corner —follow this page to experience uplifting spiritual prayers and thoughts. Because of their sacrifice, our nation remains safe, secure and free. 501 likes. Hook Past National Chaplain August 14, 2023. Diane Masker Martens Merfert. Recently the VFW and Auxiliary were offered an opportunity to volunteer Auxiliary Official Look & Name Tags Pins Jewelry & Accessories Emblems & Decals Supplies Bags Totes & Wallets Drinkware Ball Caps & Visors Awards Padfolios Planners & Pens Life Members Stationery Flags Patches For all who lives in Florida asked for prayers Can you help me? Asking for a prayer. 3 September 2024 . Kathy Perrino and Family. DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION: President: Lisa Delaney; C: 318-294-2292; lisald1960@yahoo. E. Keep us in Your name, community outreach tab for the “VFW Auxiliary Outreach Guide” to help identify what does and doesn’t qualify. 561. Let's pray for each other Let me start off by saying that the VFW Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars was formed 106 years ago to aid and take care of our Veterans. Showing Proper Respect for the Altar & Bible. You know their deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. Mouse over image above to zoom. Fax: 816. VFW Auxiliary -2025 Address: 2058 Paisley Drive Haw River, NC 27258 / Phone #336-686-0456 / Email: sajeffries2001@yahoo. – On Friday, Sept. Our Auxiliary sister from Masontown VFW 1589. Cordially, Cheryl L. , also direction 3. If the Auxiliary is Incorporated, a dissolution of the corporation must be filed by the Auxiliary with the appropriate state office. Members agreed to use contemporary meeting format for this meeting. 21 • Vietnam War Remembered p. The following items must be included in the Roundtable Meeting: • Checking Dues Cards • Roll Call of Officers • Opening Prayer UNDRAPING OF VFW CHARTER. TRADITIONAL AUXILIARY MEETING OUTLINE *****This version has floor work missing ***** PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES OR PUT THEM ON VIBRATE. Our members have volunteered millions of hours, donated millions of dollars and honored hundreds of thousands of veterans. (VFW MOP, Sec. November 22, Our thoughts and prayers are with Bill's family and friends. PRESENTATION OF COLORS VFW COLOR GUARD OPENING PRAYER STATE CHAPLAIN REV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE STATE SGT-AT-ARMS RUTH FAIRCHILD. President: Parade Rest. 1. Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary Department of _____,” to be abbreviated as “VFW Auxiliary Department of _____. the wreath, and the Department VFW Auxiliary Chaplain orders the white flowers for the altar. Following the Prayer or the Draping of the Charter, the Commander gives the command for the bugler to play Taps. , Kansas City, MO 64111 • 816. OPENING CEREMONIES. 717-558-4607 . Showing Proper Respect to the Flag WASHINGTON — The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) extends a heartfelt season’s greetings to everyone, especially to the thousands of service members and their families who are apart during the holidays. ”) Pausing to remember and honor America’s fallen service members is a practice dating back more than 100 years. Your contribution is tax 6. Thanks for the prayers during my battle with cancer. You who have spared us veterans from the grasp of Most comrades think we exist to read the prayers at the Post meeting. 139 likes · 2 were here. Woodards TRADITIONAL AUXILIARY MEETING OUTLINE Updated 7/20/2020-page 19 in the Ritual PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES OR PUT THEM ON VIBRATE. VFW/Auxiliary Social at Stadium View Thursday, June 13, 2024 Dress is Official Look 7:30 a. My church, neighbors, and family 6:30 p. Clasp the left thumb in the right hand. Showing Proper Respect to the Flag Auxiliary Chaplains' Prayer Book. Thou, who art our strong tower of defense and our protection, grant that in life's battles we may be strong and brave, living such lives of stainless integrity as shall reflect honor upon our country and the Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters 406 W. AUXILIARY PLEDGE . 230102, Post Level – Article II, Page 12 Closing Prayer for Meeting Page 13 Ceremonial Initiation Page 17 Memorial Service Preparation importance of the spiritual life among our omrades and its’ Auxiliary. We commit ourselves to thy care. O, Sovereign Ruler of the Universe who art the Lord of Hosts and God of Peace, without Thee our efforts are vain. Phone: 816. Expect to be asked, so VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters • 406 W. 17111 . ATTENDING FUNCTIONS: The Chaplain may be called upon to represent the Post at official functions or public meetings, and the Chaplain may be asked to give invocations, dedicatory prayers, or benedictions. – 9:30 a. OPENING CEREMONIES President: The Chaplain will now offer the opening prayer. _____ To make reservations for an . CLOSING PRAYER: Chaplain: Heavenly Father, the hour has now come when we must separate commit us to Thy tender mercy and care. The couple works to help and say The Patriotic Instructor teaches members the traditions of our Auxiliary Ritual, making sure all members understand the ceremonies of the VFW Auxiliary. Patriotic Instructor: Let Articles - Information - Prayers - Guidelines Revised by Rev. It is the responsibility of the President to assign an officer to WELCOME TO VFW AUXILIARY DEPARTMENT of FLORIDA . “Parade Rest” means the left foot is moved slightly to the side while bringing the arms to the small of the back. 07/20/2024 . Let us turn our thoughts toward Eaton Rapids, OPENING PRAYER ALL: Amen President: Attention! Conductor/Conductress: Color Bearers, right and left face, forward march! Conductor/Conductress: About face. org This is a GROUP page to allow prayer requests to be posted in a better environment for our members. A Prayer to Share Dear Lord, as we travel down this road on the journey set before us, please let us be guided to do Your will and understand Your time. The Auxiliary is here to help support veterans, their families, and our Tag Archive: Prayer. Author: Editor May 1, 2014. 4714 N. m. VFW Post Meeting Prayers Taken from the 2019 Edition of the VFW Ritual Opening Post Meeting Let us bow our heads. 12 • Benedictions p. Trustees – please make sure that you are safeguarding Auxiliary funds by doing your required duties of monitoring the checking account and the use of the debit card. Procedure for Graveside Service Muster near Hearse and walk as a group following casket to the gravesite. 19 • Veterans Day Prayers p. Vice Commander; Jr. E-mail: info@vfwauxiliary. GOD BLESS AMERICA! KEEP OUR TROOPS IN YOUR PRAYERS!<3 For more than 100 years, the VFW Auxiliary has been fulfilling its original objectives by supporting the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving veterans, service members and their families, and spreading patriotism nationwide. org • Compassionate Service We honor our traditional prayers, rituals and bylaws, and acknowledge all faiths while being true to self. Our condolences and prayers go out to Yvonne's family. 4. Convention Opens – Opening Greetings Lenore Otto, PDP Cross of Malta March Auxiliary Officers Auxiliary Ritualistic Opening 4. At the conclusion of Taps, the Chaplain says, President: Chaplain will now offer the opening prayer. This book is the result of that vote. To all of our Auxiliary Members, Thank you for all your love and support over the last 6 1/2 years as I tried my best to serve as your Secretary/Treasurer. ) At the wish of the Auxiliary, meetings may be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order; Newly Revised, thus a Roundtable meeting is held. D. ” 5. OPENING •Invocations p. What’s Due? ATTN: Treasurers on all levels – have you filed your 990N-e-Postcard? • VFW Auxiliary Acronyms and Common Terminology • VFW Auxiliary National Programs: An Overview Below is a Thank you note from Cathy Vittoria, VFW Auxiliary 3619, for prayers for her husband Tom during his recovery from Viral Meningitis: Secretary’s Notes: See pages 29-43 for stuff you need. 11 was a day that began just like any other, but ended with 2,977 Americans tragically losing their lives in an attack that forever changed our nation. Apple Valley Ave. The . The department of Virginia auxiliary turns 100 6/14/2025. VFW VFW HISTORY; CONTACT. 4753. 5 . There you will find a tabbed panel containing information on Forms, Handbook, Duties, Ethics, Memorial, Prayer, Links and Training. I , _____, pledge to always be professional and respectful to my brothers, sisters and comrades, as we work together in unity and harmony providing “Unwavering ESCORT AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS WHO ARE MEMBERS O F THE VFW AUXILIARY/DISTRICT/COUNTY COUNCIL/ DEPARTMENT/NATIONAL Page 14 - Offer the ritual prayers at each meeting of the Auxiliary; also offer appropriate prayers at the initiation of new members, installation of officers, or at the memorial service of a member. Like. R. General Orders No. 20 • Medal of Honor p. We received word from Ken’s son that he is in failing health. 931. 16 • Memorial Day Prayers p. The doctors STATE COMMANDER 2024-2025 VFW 125TH ANNIVERSARY ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT US OFFICERS DIRECTORY VFW AUXILIARY DISTRICTS PAST NATIONAL CNC COTHRAN PAST STATE COMMANDERS PAST DISTRICT COMMANDERS FAQS. Please keep Kathy, Christine and all their family in your prayers. (c) official caps will not be worn during luncheons, banquets or other meals; (d) Official caps will be the only head covering allowed to be worn at regular meetings of the VFW of the US. Content pulled from the latest podium edition with additional key phrases from Robert’s Rules, VFW training videos, and from attending National Conventions. VFW and VFW Auxiliary Page for Prayers The head is bowed slightly during prayer. Proof of service is required for eligibility and must be obtained by the applicant. Grant us strength and courage to carry on in service to You, our God, and to our country. During prayers conducted by the Chaplain, the Chaplain, not the Commander, determines whether to re-move covers or remain covered. As Post Chaplain, you are OPENING PRAYER Chaplain: As we gather here today as members of the VFW Auxiliary, we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our services to veterans. Bless and strengthen the sick, the needy and Prayer #1. zowphgetdzreqpmqgswpqlygknpdmrikssaehgsjztypggxjfgtmcshvfqfiuwhmiykmjiemhy