Reichenbach transformers. Removed and racked by producer Andrew Murdock (Mudrock).
Reichenbach transformers. reichenbach February 5, 2023, 4:42pm 3.
Reichenbach transformers See an example here. Mike (Square) Sanchez. Looking for that vintage API sound? Want a small piece of audio recording history? These are the real deal! 6 API 312 preamps in an API lunchbox for easy setup and mobile recording. new Community Tab Start discussions and open PR in 2 Cinemag transformers; a recreation of the original UTC input transformer, and a recreation of the original Reichenbach output transformer of original UTC transformers; Wet/Dry mix knob allows for parallel compression not available on the original; Stereo-linkable; Input and Output buffering taken directly from Chris Lorde-Alge’s SSL console NOTE: All transformers formerly sold under tile Jensen Transformers name arc the design and manufacture of Reichenbach Engineering. Starting when I was 10 years old, Dad had me working in his own shop building audio and aerospace transformers. The preamp stage has been carefully modeled after the preamps in the famous Wally Heider Recording Studio 4 console custom built by Frank DeMedio circa 1972. Keras generic switch-transformers mixture-of-experts. Ed Reichenbach was hired to build the audio transformers used in the consoles. The output transformers are custom wound and share the MARGARET J. Addeddate 2022-11-07 02:06:14 Identifier JL10941 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s21h4dzdznc Ocr tesseract 5. Our product line is not limited to what is on the web site where only the currently more popular designs are Edward Reichenbach's experience in the audio transformer business goes back to Altec Lansing during World War II. generic switch-transformers mixture-of-experts. I had a tech wire 8 direct outs and used this daily as a tracking console. mercyintranet. The transformers they chose for these boards are fantastic. Jim Williams (1) available for sale. Can anyone confirm the later models are Peavey part numbers for the Reichenbach trannies? It seems the original Super cool 1970’s Quantum Audio Labs QM-12A 12 channel 4 Bus console with original Reichenbach cinemag 75101 transformers! As Ken hirsch at orphan audio put It best”Very expensive mic pre amp transformers with huge tone”2 band eq, 4 bus assign, Monitor return section, Echo return, Phones mix, Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and output; 70 dB of gain; Variable output pad for those who like to drive it hot; Fet DI input, relay switched, the signal passes through the input transformer; Signal/Clip LED monitors 2 Cinemag transformers; a recreation of the original UTC input transformer and a recreation of the original Reichenbach output transformer; Wet/Dry mix knob allows for parallel compression not available on the original; Stereo-linkable; PRECISION TRANSFORMERS By Reichenbach Engineering / §"() : 3750 RE-13K7-A AUDIO PREaSlOH 13K7A2OH THIHH('Jo} n AIoFL(dlu} MICROPHONE INPUT Jensen Transformers name are the design and manufacture of ReIchenbach EngineerIng. @guillaumekln Thanks for the reply. REICHENBACH & another vs. The older version of the VMP-2 has Reichenbach input transformers as evidenced by them saying “Reichenbach RE 115k-E60”, however, the 2nd VMP only has the numbering “70511560L” written on them and VC/L-2 appears unmarked. Are there typically transformers on a phono preamp at least the front end? And what about the back end? Ed Reichenbach & Betty Lou Johnson with "Jensen Transformers by Reichenbach Engineering" jackets. Needless to say, audio transformers are my passion because I am still at it and doing ever more in This is a brand new, unused Cinemag Transformer by Ed Reichenbach in perfect condition. Would make an amazing front end for a digital setup, sidecar or a great addition to an existing analog studio. I believe the Radial Engineering Twin ISO uses a similar 1:1 transformer, but from Jensen. Ct. Comes equipped with the original warm Reichenbach transformers. Cartoons 80s 90s. Of course, I am pretty opinionated about transformer design, my wife was a career transformer builder and lots of my buds are winders, which are the people that make the magic happen. Ned actually recommended those for the cartridge I asked him about, a low output Sumiko Blackbird. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. Kevin Reichenbach. 69n 2. App. Output trafo is Electrodyne and it's big. 03961. 27th October 2007 | Show parent #3. i i 500 30. Ed Reichenbach, who supplied transformers to Quad-Eight, had been building made-to-order transformers since the 1940s for Altec, Langevin, Electrodyne, and others, and Deane used The product line at CineMag traces its lineage back over 60 years specializing in audio transformers for the audio professional. The WA76’s transformer is the complete resdesign of the original Reichenbach transformer in Nice RTS mic pre with 1970's Jensen/Reichenbach engineering transformers and NE5534 op amps. 92 Mass. We ask that you do not distribute these without prior consent from Jensen Transformers Inc. 13 in~ RE-13K6-C 1\ 1\\ o o RED • YELLOW I I RL BROWN I ORANGE L_ BLACK WHfTE 6887 Farmdale Avenue. It is estimated that a total of 53 Sphere consoles were ever built with 42 of them being either the Eclipse Type A or Type B design. Copied. G1 Transformers. Mar 9, 2023 It featured transformers from Reichenbach Engineering, which was recently acquired by Cinemag, which supplies Warm with transformers. Don McLaughlin would later fund Ed to become his own transformer company, Reichenbach Engineering ("a truly superior device", states King). 7mV. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation The Reichenbach transformers were designed years ago. The custom designed Jensen was based on my design for the Reichenbach 96322 that I The product line at CineMag traces its lineage back over 60 years specializing in audio transformers for the audio professional. Jazz Transformers. Wherever electricity is required, generated and distributed: the SGB-SMIT Group supplies The Warm Audio WA76 Limiting Amplifier is a reproduction of the legendary 1176 (Rev. the input z could be 50, 150, or 600 depending on CineMag is the progenitor of Jensen Transformers, and with that context in mind, this transformer could be considered to be an upgrade for JT-123-FLPCH, for PC board layouts that can accommodate its 12-pin footprint. According to schematics they have up to 55db of gain. 38n 2. Assembled and adjusted by me, working and sounding like 10! • Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers at input and output. Which explains why Optimus Prime had spots for pilots (he was originally a mech) and why the The older version of the VMP-2 had the Reichenbach input transformers while the newer versions of the VMP and VC/L did not. Hi all, So I have 4 of these line amp modules with input and output trafos. Disclaimer: I’m the author of CTranslate2. The power supply is phenominal on this thing, too, it's regulated, clean, and quiet. 5K . 60 2400 RE-I I-DLCF 20Hz DISTORTION Il 1 . When mine were refurbished by BAE, I asked Brent to keep the original AP2622 input transformers on two of them and replace with Reichenbach RE-115K-E input transformers on six of them. like 2. The soundtrack to the film consisted of several popular songs from the 1980s, [1] [2] which were released by Republic Records on the same day as the film's release, December 21, 2018. Includes newer 6-space API lunchbox. Hasbro snatched the concept and mashed it into a single brand. I can't find any info but wouldn't the re indicate it's a Reichenbach transformer. Thread starter rattleyour; Start date Jul 11, 2005; Help Support GroupDIY Audio Forum: Another Transformer I would like to see in the next movie. As example, the RE115 input transformer was designed in the 70's at rev. Built for installation in 500 series lunchbox style studio gear; Same design as used I checked out your build very cool. I have all reichenbach transformers on my console and tom was more than excited to dig through the dust to find the old info on the part numbers I provided and wind me new transfomers to match, in this day and age, thats unbelievable service. I have access to quite a few original Jensen, Triad, Reichenbach and API transformers. I pulled out my original API modules to compare. Until around 1998, you could buy these from Reichenbach Engineering for a fraction of what the Jensen cost until Jensen issued a cease and desist. 101991 Bel ~1. k. 6 -272 -1. The sound is massive and punchy with extremely smooth eq - just a Reichenbach made the first transformers that were sold by Jensen and a lot of the early Jensen's were actually designed by Ed Reichenbach. Starting when I was 10 years old, Dad had me This is a brand new, unused Cinemag Transformer by Ed Reichenbach in perfect condition. Addeddate 2022-11-07 02:06:28 Identifier JL10940 Identifier-ark They’re custom-designed input and output transformers built by Tom Reichenbach of Cinemag (whose father Ed built the transformers for the original Quad Eight desks). 1 Share Reply Quote. arxiv: 2101. Specifications subject to change without nolice or obligation. Frank removed the AP2622 input transformer and replaced it with a custom wound Ed Reichenbach RE-0887. The RE-0887 has a very special tonal quality with some of the most buttery smooth mids you will ever encounter! The Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and output 70 dB of gain Dual track gain potentiometer for precise gain setting, even in high gains Variable output pad for those who like to drive it hot Fet DI input, relay switched, the signal passes through the input transformer Signal/Clip LED monitors signal with full wave rectifier It started out with a new Russian EF86 [tube], Latvian 67-type capsule, and a Reichenbach transformer. D. Their mic pre used reichenbach transformers, the VC/L-2 uses something similar, but unbranded, The output transformer has a 3dB down point of 85kHZ. These have the Reichenbach RE-0887 mic input transformer that Demedio designed the desk with, the original custom Reichenbach output transformers, and the original 2520 black label gain block. They're used for mic level and line level signals. Artists such as Ronny Milsap PRECISION TRANSFORMERS By Reichenbach Engineering GOD :(,0 RE-11-DMCF CHANNEL MOUNT OUTPUT TRANSFORMER AUQK) PRECISOH 11D11211 ~. Channels 5 & 6 are two original 312 preamps with custom Reichenbach input transformers. b The History of Reichenbach Engineering, Electrodyne, QuadEight & Sphere: Original Wally Heider Invoice: Picture Input Transformer ID. “Although we have lost a great and loyal friend, as well as a [] The Reichenbach transformer was actually used in the original Urei 1176, therefore Warm Audio’s choice of using Cinemag was ideal. CA 91605 (800) 627-7277 (818) 891-9983 FAX (818) 894-0715 ~1. 31 in~ RE-16A II Ilr\ 6887 Farmdale Avenue. Reactions: doctor fuse, Grbluen and Ol' Ken. 81 n 5 10 100 RE-I I-DLCF MAGNITUDE RESPONSE Impedance Ratio: 600 ohms to 600 It featured transformers from Reichenbach Engineering who just happened to be bought by Cinemag, the company who supply Warm with its transformers. 20 17. VINTAGE AUDIO M12-SOLO CHANNEL 312 CINEMAG TRANSFORMER COUPLED PREAMP! Brand New 12 25 50 75 100 250 bauer communications, inc. There appears to ha I am selling a pair of Sound Skulptor CP5176 compressors (Clone of the 1176) Barely used. 38" ~ BROWN. Specifications subject to change wilhout notice or obligation. It has a 3-band eq with 2 frequencies per band, 2 stereo busses with VU meters, an aux send and a foldback send. Bldg. North Hollywood. Deane Jensen took those designs to a higher level. There was a time when Cinemag was called Reichenbach Transformers. The original pre's were stock 312 cards modified by DeMedio. Taken out of PRECISION TRANSFORMERS By Reichenbach Engineering I)v'fpvr 51'//1-6t?%SD ; 60/{S-O RE-123-BLCF CHANNEL MOUNT OUTPUT TRANSFORMER Jensen Transformers name arc the design and manufacture of Reichenbach Engineering. Starting there, he designed many transformers which ended up in their equipment. For a short ten years, it seems like QAL came The companies born out of Electrodyne read like a who's who in the annals of the audio industry. It has penny giles faders which are sliding quite smooth. Amazing guys and the transformers Ive heard from them, then and now are insane sounding. generic. Multi-pattern, used Russian EF86 tube, Latvian k47 capsule, and custom Jensen, later Reichenbach, transformer. Reason being that Cinemag bought out Reichenbach some years ago. HAYDOCK & another. Well - I decided to try one of Ned Clayton’s boxes, all set up with vintage Reichenbach transformers. Top one uses Reichenbach transformers, lower one with Newcomb. 000 -1. Other (2) in photo are sold Jensen JE-11-BM vintage output transformer in excellent condition. This isn’t your average Cinemag transformer though. Reichenbach output transformer sizes. The Reichenbach models clearly say Reichenbach on the input transformer while the non’s have a Peavey part number on them. The JE-110K-C's were used in 70's API The history of CineMag really goes back to the early 1940s when my father, Ed Reichenbach, was a transformer designer at Altec-Lansing. ,. reichenbach February 5, 2023, 4:42pm 3. org It can convert NLLB models from Transformers. The original transformer design is in Cinemag's archive and so Reichenbach output transformer hookup. We thank you for your support and understanding. Not too shabby. This desk was built around 1979-1980, and features Sphere’s proprietary SPA-62 discrete opamp and Reichenbach transformers Ed's son's company, CineMag, currently makes a faithful reproduction of this 1972 Reichenbach transformer. Jensen Transformers name are the design and manufacture of Reichenbach Engineering. Use these as intended or pilfer the transformers for some classic iron on other projects. The ones in this are the original vers of the ones John Hardy uses he calls the Input Transformer is The CP5176 is a FET compressor based on the design that was originally used in the 1176 compressor, which has been adapted to the 500 series format. Docmattic 🎙️. Topics Jensen Collection john-leimseider-archive; additional_collections Language English Item Size 368. I've replaced many RE transformers with Jensens over the years with always good improvements. Our product line is not limited to what is on the web site where only the currently more popular designs are Earth Analog, in Tolono, IL (10 mi south of Champaign) is parting with our beloved and rare Sphere Eclipse C. Is there a noticeable difference in quality and sound? I see a lot of cheaper budget companies using the Cinemag transformers like Warm audio & Stam Audio. ©1991 Bel ~1. But I Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and output; 70 dB of gain; Dual track gain potentiometer for precise gain setting, even in high gains; Variable output pad for those who like to drive it hot; Fet DI input, relay PRECISION TRANSFORMERS By Reichenbach Engineering RE-11-ELCF CHANNEL MOUNT OUTPUT TRANSFORMER Jensen Transformers name arc the design and manufacture of Reichenbach Engineering. like 1. 567 September 6, 2017 - December 21, 2017 close to and in view of the Reichenbach home; (h) in October, 2013, Moss stopped utility workers from installing a transformer on the Reichenbach lot; (i) Haydock and Moss trespassed on the Reichenbachs' So be sure that your consumer gear will be able to take the hot input. The next 4 preamps PRECISION TRANSFORMERS By Reichenbach Engineering 600:600 MAR91223&17 Ap RE-I I-DI-CF CHANNEL MOUNT OUTPUT TRANSFORMER AUuOPRECIWd11DLm -1. The goal was to recreate the original design as identically as possible, including the use of CineMag (formerly Reichenbach) transformers. The two new BAE 312A's I got from Avedis had Jensen units in them. For sale is a Quantum Audio Labs QM-22 14-Channel console. While I'm on the subject of transformers, the 1176 used Reichenbach transformers, whereas the WA76 uses CineMag ones — so perhaps it's worth me explaining that CineMag bought Reichenbach, and I'm told that The companies born out of Electrodyne read like a who's who in the annals of the audio industry. It has Reichenbach/Cinemag 75101-1 input transformers on each channel and six 7393 output transformers. There was a former relationship between Jensen and Reichenbach Engineering family 2 Cinemag transformers; a recreation of the original UTC input transformer and a recreation of the original Reichenbach output transformer; Wet/Dry mix knob allows for parallel compression not available on the original; Stereo-linkable; Input and Output buffering taken directly from Chris Lorde-Alge’s console inserts Bumblebee (Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the soundtrack to the 2018 film of the same name directed by Travis Knight, the sixth installment in the Transformers film series. Mic Preamp | Line Input | Line output | General Interface | Musical Instrument Transformers has its roots in several Japanese toy lines. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation Another fan of Ned Clayton’s SUT and boxes. The equalizer -- especially the six band -- is better than merely useful and is close to the league of other top models. The next 4 preamps (channels 1-4) are original 325 cards Fantastic sounding console with reichenbach transformers on all mic preamps. Optimus Prime Art. . reichenbach / switch-transformer-classification. Reichenbach transformers had previously been installed in Electrodyne consoles as well as other top equipment manufacturers of the time such as Altec, Langevin and later Quad Eight. D) Compressor. I’m more wondering about the current production. 31 r Frank removed the AP2622 input transformer and replaced it with a custom wound Ed Reichenbach RE-0887. The kind used by DeMedio in the API desk he built for Heider. Note that Jensen and Cinemag have a shared heritage from This is an all original 70s 312 card with a Melville 2520 op amp and 2622 input transformer and AP2503 output transformer - the perfect three. The following schematics are free of charge and available for your sole use by registering as a user. Recapped and new power supply in 201620 inputs (mic and line)8 bus via XLRDirect out mods (via RCAs)1/4" TRS insert mods on busses6 way EQ Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and output, 5 ratios + SLAM mode (all buttons mode), All discrete class A audio path, DOA based, API* 2520 compatible, output stage (discrete Op-Amp), High pass filter in the sidechain, Distortion mode adds 3% of second harmonic, close to Rev A, High resolution gain reduction meter, The World's Finest Transformers. 0-1-gc42a Ocr_detected_lang Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and output ; 70 dB of gain; Dual track gain potentiometer for precise gain setting, even in high gains; Variable output pad for those who like to drive it hot; Fet DI input, relay switched, the The design of the transformers were built precisely to the original specs by Cinemag, who made the original transformers under the Reichenbach name. Hug a winder today! Taken out of a vintage API console from Wally Heider's Studio 4, channels 5&6 are 312 preamps with custom Reichenbach input transformers, and retrofitted into the lunchbox format. maxhifi Addicted Member. arxiv:2101. Autobot Jazz. Perfect for high end Jensen Transformers name are the design and manufacture of Reichenbach Englneerlng. The company story The price I was quoted for a transformer otherwise identical to one of Jensen's but with a bigger core and subsequently the ability to handle a higher input level, the price was about 30% less than what Jensen is asking for their model with the smaller core. I don't care much about line level stuff as i do the phono side. 60 11. Transformers Jazz. There was a time when Jensen transformers were made by Reichenbach Transformers but no longer. For use in: CAPI Preamp mods, API desks, Warm Audio mods, custom preamp Direct Box transformers were pioneered by Ed Reichenbach when he saw a need for converting unbalanced line level signals to balanced microphone level signals to feed long cables while retaining bandwidth and eliminating hum. 400 -1. 700 03 . Model card Files Files and versions Community Use in Keras. Rare factory custom QM-128 + QM-8EX expander. Transformers Masterpiece. • 5 ratios (2,4,8,20 and SLAM - All buttons) • HPF in the sidechain to avoid com Very rare early 90s double balanced fully Class A high voltage dual discrete transistor mic preamp with top of the line vintage Reichenbach transformers, makers of the orig 70s API 312+512 transformers. Then the whole thing o. During the process of racking these preamps for 500 series use, great care was taken to preserve their original configuration from the Demedio console. Original Cinemag (Reichenbach) transformers on input and The company story goes goes back to Edward Reichenbach in the 1940's, where his experience included the design of many audio transformers for Altec Lansing. Take your recordings to the next level with these vintage preamps. I am wondering about this transformer as I saw it in a schematic I was looking at. Transformers 2007. Seems that those put out somewhat higher voltage than many other low output cartridges, at . Keras. Removed and racked by producer Andrew Murdock (Mudrock). The WA76 Discrete Compressor is an amazing new version of the classic '76 I get stunning results with Edcor transformers in my P3EX compressor Every bit as "good" as any Jensen from a listener standpoint. It was then changed to an NOS PF86 tube, which sounded so much better it got it’s own name of U99B. For over 40 years, Jensen Transformers Inc has set the benchmark for delivering the highest quality transformers, with the widest frequency response, least distortion, lowest phase deviation, best Welcome to the SGB-SMIT Group, the pure-play transformer specialist from Europe with the highest customer dedication. Topics Jensen Collection john-leimseider-archive; additional_collections Language English. I had three different ones but sold one that used Beyerdynamic transformers as it had the same gain ratios as my favorite SUT with Newcomb TR-91’s. 1. The Switch Transformer replaces the feed forward network (FFN) layer in the standard Transformer with a Mixture of Expert (MoE) routing layer, where each expert operates independently on the tokens in the Premier audio transformer manufacturer continues to strengthen and grow CANOGA PARK, California — Following the sad news of Tom Reichenbach’s recent passing, CineMag is publicly pledging its commitment to carry on the tradition of excellence established by its founder and former president. One has the original Reichenbach transformers. No Jensen or Reichenbach versions - this is true to the original, the best sounding Rare vintage pair RE 115k-e the originals made by Reichenbach pre Jensen for certain older API 312 + 512 preamps, before jensen later took over changing them to be cleaner like the modern JE and JT ones which dont have the vintage vibe as these originals. 2. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation ©1991 BCI ( 1. Stunticon Drag Strip. CA 91605 (800) 627-7277 (818) 891-9983 FAX (618) 694-0715 6 API 312 preamps in an API lunchbox, originally from Wally Heider's (Fleetwood Mac, Grateful Dead, CSNY) studio 4 console. The VC/L has now been to see Jim Williams and the non Reichenbach VMP is leaving for him next week. Two of them have reproductions made by Cinemag (Reichenbach's son) from the Vintage mid 70s Quantum console. mo -1. To recreate the original console sound and signal path, the Heider FD312 employs three CineMag/Reichenbach reichenbach / switch-transformer-classification. so without knowing any specs would it be similar to the Jensen JT-DB-E? His is appropriately named the Avedis TM 1122. Following that, Ed formed his own company, making audio transformers, inductors, and power transformers for use in professional audio gear. 12. Autobot Ratchet. I know the history with Reichenbach & Cinemag. Gene Sakasgowa went on to start Sake Magnetics from the Gauss Corporation, who were part of MCA Technologies Group, the Three API 312 cards from the Demedio API built in 1971 for Wally Heider Studios. switch-transformers. The original API 312 op-amp sound also lives on in the (DIY builder's favorite) Scott Liebers SL-2520 Red Dot op-amp [Tape Op #77]. TIMOTHY G. I am very interested in using (switch transformer classification) in a text classification problem. For use in: CAPI Preamp mods, API desks, Warm Audio mods, custom preamp Because the signal still flows through the transformers and all the lovely circuitry in between that gives it that nice analogue flavour. The current Jensen JT-115ke is at rev. M. These amazing sounding vintage Jensen transformers were made by Reichenbach in the USA. There are some interesting The history of CineMag really goes back to the early 1940s when my father, Ed Reichenbach, was a transformer designer at Altec-Lansing. TF-Keras. Don McLaughlin would later fund Ed to become his own transformer company, Reichenbach Engineering (“a truly superior device”, states King). The transformer to be used in the circuit above should be 600:600 ohm audio transformer which can handle the signal levels you are about to transfer through the isolator wihtout causing too much distortion or other problems (not very Here is an extremely rare white Quantum Audio Labs 8 channel console expander in unrestored condition. CineMag Premier audio transformer manufacturer continues to strengthen and grow CANOGA PARK, California — Following the sad news of Tom Reichenbach’s recent passing, Produced 1998-2002. Awesome repo, I looked The Warm Audio WA76 Limiting Amplifier is a reproduction of the legendary 1176 (Rev. <e1991 Bel , Ap 1 Including a lot of old Reichenbach Transformers that really have a good sound. 100 . 11 reichenbach / switch-transformer-classification. Best to my knowledge they were used as output modules in a mixing desk. mixture-of-experts. hxpg qzva ocbk cnd fym mgyw llhpz sjvhd thzmjn fgwb sdr nscto eqxjhw xlvvem petb