Osrs slayer block list nieve She is located in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, next to the Stronghold Slayer Cave near the magic trees and the southern bank. You want to block the tasks with the highest weight that you would otherwise skip. 7. Best Duradel block list? A block list is largely personal preference. ADMIN MOD Slayer tasks to block from Steve/Nieve . Vannaka is one of oldschool runescapes Slayer Masters. Don’t block metal dragons! Nieve and Duradel don’t even assign bronze tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Also fire giants kind of suck, they had a permanent place on my block list. Edit: Realised that you said 'Pure' my bad. have to do: Multiply all of the tasks you do by the # of points your master gives (15 for duradel for example) OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Slayer Masters with higher combat level requirements will generally assign longer tasks with more difficult Yes Nieve to 100 cmb then Duradel. Blocking and wasting points on something you can't even be assigned in the forseeable future is utterly pointless. if you are near 100 cmb you may want to consult duradels task list and try to make blocks that will be useful for both. Oon Steve/Nieve Tzhaar already has the highest weight so blocking others has less effect. As mentioned earlier, your block list should focus on one Slayer master, so we’ll be focusing on the top three masters in the game: Duradel, Nieve/Steve, and Konar. Simply adjust the task list to whatever slayer master is being used. ^ Players may be given a chance to slay TzKal-Zuk, provided they have already ↑ Only after paying 75 Slayer points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them, in Task List Image Used in Video: https://imgur. I haven't bothered to block anything cause I'm not sure what to pick. Members Online • zmr940. Don't want to waste points blocking if I swap slayer masters. The lower combat slayer masters are in general really bad. In terms of block tasks, I would do the following. As I mentioned, you should always be using the Bracelet of Slaughter on burstable tasks, and you should always use the Expeditious Bracelet on any other task that you do. Aberrant Spectre- Do task. Those are the slayer masters I felt were hig I've been doing 9xtureal 1xkonar. I found doing boss slayer and collecting Simply adjust the task list to whatever slayer master is being used. Here's an example block list for Nieve and Duradel based on task weighting: • Black Dragons • TzTok-Jad • Fire Giants • Kalphite Queen Simply adjust the task list to whatever slayer master is being used. Players may also speak to Kuradal after While Title says it all. You can skip the lower weight tasks. com/a/1FTq8ga DONATE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:more TL;DR: Nieve is for slayer xp with a cannon. Nieve, Konar and Duradel should be put into one group for non-Wilderness slayer, while Krystilia should be put in another due to being Wilderness-only slayer. For anyone unfamiliar, this spreadsheet helps improve But I'd prefer a list of suggested blocks. Just started getting into slayer and i was looking for a fine Nieve block list but all i could find was before Konar’s new monsters was released. Many of the key worthwhile items are locked behind Slayer levels for Ironmen, such as the abyssal whip, dragon boots, trident of the seas, occult necklace and dragon hunter lance. Skip to main content. What is the optimal block list for Krystilia if my goal is to get the rev weapons and the highest chance at superiors for chance at imbued heart? Question I want the rev weapons, superior slayer tasks for highest chance at imbued heart without grinding 50m slayer exp past 99, and I will eventually get all the boss drops but I assume I should get a rev weapon first. What this spreadsheet does: All credit goes to Gingbino for his work on this amazing spreadsheet that seemingly encompasses everything you'd ever want to know about your slayer journey. Share I’m only 69 slayer but my current block list is: Greater demons, spirituals and Black demons. But pts are just slayer xp/hr. For a list of these monsters, see Slayer monsters. com/asukayenosrs/tipBECOME A Nieve FAQs. Hi all, I know some people here use my spreadsheet for optimizing slayer, so I wanted to share that I've moved it to a new link and updated it significantly. Black demons are a must block unless you like doing demonic gorillas. Which slayer master for fastest XP? Nieve has a very slightly better task list for slayer experience, Hey guys. Steel dragons and Be a Patron! - https://www. I finished 99 recently and honestly didn't do slayer efficiently till like 97. An example of a block list for non-Wilderness slayer with these three masters in consideration could be: ↑ 1. The rule of thumb is to skip tasks that you cannot cannon at all, or you can only kill in a single combat Although, due to the difficulty of his tasks, it may be better to stay with Nieve until level 115+ combat. She only I was just wondering what the best slayer block list is for for mid level for GP. Slayer experience is awarded each time the Beginning the Slayer skill in OSRS can be a bit of a daunting task. I tried to research it myself and all I get is different answers. In short, by spending points at a Slayer Master, you can remove a task option from their pool of choices. Kuradal is a Slayer master and daughter of Duradel, whom she replaces after While Guthix Sleeps. I'm trying to reach 95 quickly for Hydra but don't necessarily want to block ALL of the more money tasks. Nieve gives 12, Duradel gives 15. Work on Attack Skill and Strength Skill to deal with Slayer quests. Also any tips for getting cannonballs fast? This list is for 72 Slayer, and they are a valuable block at that point. Members Online • staylitfam . Block and Skip ListThe first way is to build an efficient block and skip list. This is really just a template list. ; ↑ Only assigned to players who have unlocked the Like a boss ability via spending 200 Slayer reward points; ↑ The odds of getting a specific task from the boss category is much smaller Simply adjust the task list to whatever slayer master is being used. Those who use NPC Contact may also find this teleport useful as they can teleport to Nieve to cancel/block their tasks with her, while using NPC Contact to contact other Slayer masters (such as Duradel) to try to get the task they want. I like to do 9 Duradel tasks and every 10th I go with Konar for the extra point bonus. http://i. Also if it included bracelets/cannon(places) that would be very good :) I managed to find one for Nieve /Steve OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Therefore, blocking high weighted tasks that give slow experience such as Cave Kraken, Hellhounds, Fire Giants and metalic dragons would be good options. Loot From KQ Elite Extra helpful if you have low slay lvl so many of the higher level ones are already not available for you. When training Slayer with Nieve, you should only do the tasks in green below. My personal suggestion is block the tasks you don't like that have high weight. Today, I will show you 7 ways to boost your Slayer XP rate from the standard to an average of over 70k XP per hour, with good combat stats. Slayer is a skill that allows players to kill monsters that may otherwise be untargetable by players (players will be prompted a message stating they do not possess the required Slayer level to attack the monster). She only assigns tasks to players with a combat level of at least 85. I want to power through slayer tasks at Nieve right now. Skip the rest while blocking the task you don’t like, a good block list is also illustrated below. ; ↑ Only assigned to players who have unlocked the Watch the birdy ability via spending 80 Slayer reward points. imgur. If you have created the list, it is time to select a Slayer to deal with these tasks. What is the best block list? Right now I have:steel and iron dragons blocked, OSRS_Socks • Why do you guys like Nieve so much. An example of a block list for non-Wilderness slayer with these three masters in consideration could be: Edit: This older sheet has been replaced with an updated version here. Slayer experience is awarded each time the 6. 0 1. 1. Go down the list and identify the tasks you don't want to do. Suggested slayer block lists for lower levels? Currently 92 combat 61 slayer , still Elves Iron / Steel dragons Fire giants Also it feels like with Nieve at this level I'm getting lots of slow & non multi tasks Bloodveld - Cannon in Meiyerditch Laboratories or Nieve's cave if haven't unlocked former Gargoyles - AFK pray (if haven't blocked) Suqah - Cannon Aberrant spectres - AFK pray (with cannon in Nieve's cave / without cannon in Slayer tower) Fire giants - Cannon in waterfall dungeon Steel dragons - AFK pray (quick) or skip Tasks to Block. Reply reply Takingmonday • List of cannonable Slayer tasks? It depends on your bank/stats/slayer levels Things to consider are: money, is it afk, is it cannonable, xp For me I have these blocked: Spiritual warriors (Shit drops, long task, not good xp, can't cannon) Spiritual mages (bad xp, d boots drops wont even pay for pots) Gargoyles (shit drops, meh xp, semi afk with auto smash,i block them because nieve assigns alot of them so i Edit: This older sheet has been replaced with an updated version here. Every ten Duradel tasks is one more skip you can utilize than Nieve. Some monsters can only be killed using the Slayer skill. ADMIN MOD Best Duradel block/skip list? Question Im looking for a good list for blocks and skips for Duradel goal is exp not money. When not killing iron dragons as part of a Konar tasks, players have a few spots to choose from to kill iron dragons. r/2007scape Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, Which tasks to block/cancel for Nieve? Currently 76 Slayer, 87 att, 81 str, 81 def, 86 hp, 81 range, 99 magic. I’d say some solid ones are hellhounds (not that bad but really common and stop bursting tasks from being as common), black demons (waste of prayer pots), kalaphites (horrible), suquas (I’ve never killed a single one) & then maybe drakes or wyrms. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS Jampot134. Block hellhounds till you can start doing Cerberus boss. Leveling it up unlocks monsters that you cannot normally deal damage to, with some higher level Slayer monsters For that, we have the Block List. Fire Giants– Do task block high weight bad tasks. Task weighing [edit | edit source] Task weighing is the system that Slayer masters use to assign Slayer assignments. Below is some of the most frequently asked questions by players looking to use Nieve for training slayer. ADMIN MOD Has anyone made a good list of block/skip/extend slayer tasks for people rushing 91 slayer? (XP > money) Hi guys. However, if you are looking for purely slayer experience per hour then the following block list should be optimal: Hellhounds; Cave Kraken; Greater Demons; Black Demons Simply adjust the task list to whatever slayer master is being used. It is recommended to start using her immediately, although you may want to block monsters with high combat levels early on such as Black Demons and high Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of [deleted] Slayer Block List - Nieve Question Locked post. What's a good block list for nieve? I'm 97 cb, 72 slayer, and too poor to use a cannon. Blocking tasks in OSRS is essential to optimize your Slayer tasks and avoid inefficient assignments. Since mage slayer, Duradel is better for xp as well. Share Sort by : Best Here are all of Duradel and Nieve's slayer tasks and their associated assignment chances from the two. com/VLWcZr0. At higher slayer levels tasks like Abby Demons or Krakens would probably be better blocks. Suqah– Do task. I use Nieve as my slayer master, I think she's considered the best? Share Add a Comment. com/a/1FTq8gaDONATE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:https://streamlabs. At 100 combat move to duradel and continue with konar tasks every 50th. . Players must visit a Slayer Master, who will assign them a task to kill certain monsters based on the player's Combat level. DONATE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:https://streamlabs. I like doing it but not gonna waste the 500 points I've already used to block for Duradel tasks Very nice guide. Sort by: Fsr_osrs • Look at the task weight list, and block ones with high weight that u don't enjoy. It is also an excellent method to make significant money and train combat skills. Slayer is one of the slowest skills in the game and it requires high levels of effort to get higher xp rates. If you go to the wiki page for the slayer master that you want to use, you can scroll down to tasks, and sort them by weight. I have superior slayer mobs, herb sack, rune pouch, broad bolts, only need the slayer ring and helm now I think. This guide explains how to get high slayer xp rates as consistently as possible. But since I don't know what tasks you want to do and which ones you don't like, it would be best to look at the slayer masters wiki (lists all tasks a master can give and the weight of it from the master), decide which tasks you don't want to do and OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. The first column is for the tasks that you manually block with your points. Below are the block lists for both Slayers Players who are getting into the Slayer skill will want to understand how to use OSRS's Block List feature, for a smoother time and faster XP! Im looking to make a big spreadsheet or something showing for both money and xp which tasks I should extend so I get more slayer monsters to kill and makes the task last longer, and which ones I should block because they are horrible *cough* rock slugs *cough*. 1). Enjoy Task List Image Used in Video: https://imgur. Im using Nieve FYI, lvl 91 combat right now so Duradel wont be coming for awhile. There are three block list columns. Obviously your block list will be different if you're going for xp or for profit, but either way Duradel is better. I’m 112 combat and use duradel as a slayer master. Edit: Here's the list for Chaeldar's slayer weight if needed: As you will eventually progress to Nieve and Duradel, you wont want to waste points blocking monsters that aren’t on their list such as cave crawlers. Drakes- Block tasks, too slow to kill. Remember, slayer is best started beyond combat level Check the rewards of each Slayer task to add it to the list. My block list if you're curious is Cave Kraken, Greater demons, Black demons, Aberrant Spectre, Fire giants, Skeletal Wyverns and Spiritual Creatures. An example of a block list for non-Wilderness slayer with these three masters in consideration could be: Slayer is a skill that allows players to kill monsters that may otherwise be untargetable by players (players will be prompted a message stating they do not possess the required Slayer level to attack the monster). A Slayer assignment is given by a Slayer master. He has longer tasks than Nieve with different task weights. Basilisk– Unlock. Avoid Konar at all costs and choose between Duradel and Nieve for maximum benefit. About 60 slayer level what are the best tasks to block I’ve got 2 slots. With Duradel, you’ve got a lot of high weight tasks you can block in Greaters, Hellhounds, Suqahs, in addition to the Kalphites which make the percentage of goods tasks higher. What should I block and what should I extend if my only concern is GP/ph? I don't care about XP rates, I simply want the most profitable tasks (I know Duradel is a little better for gold but I don't have access to him). Members Online. After all, it is about having fun. Block List and Task Skipping. When you are training Slayer, it is very easy to be inefficient. Killing the assigned monsters grants players Slayer experience. They can be found several locations around Gielinor; however, with the exception of the Catacombs of Kourend, all have the same drop table. New comments cannot be posted. Is there any definitive slayer master for ironman, Looking for best xp per hour of course. If you would skip black demons from Nieve, add them to your block list, as they have a high weight. Members Online •-oOAegisOo-ADMIN MOD Help building a Duradel block list: 100cb, 75 slayer . Duradel is for gp. Slayer experience is Hopefully, this OSRS Slayer Guide has been helpful to you. Recommended Block Lists . OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. To do this, you'll want to block certain tasks that you find particularly slow or inefficient. Was wondering what everyone had on their block lists to make things as efficient as possible. This can be done a maximum of 7 times for a total of 700 25m slayer xp here just wanting to confirm this. png. To get the fastest slayer xp rates, you need to always be using the enchanted silver bracelets, as well Which Slayer Tasks You Should Block in old school runescape, covers Chaeldar, Konar, Nieve, Duradel, Krystillia. Just block highest % task to increase Tzhaar probability the most. You can easily do Kalphites and block another high weight Heya r/2007scape. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. When setting up a good block list OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Members Online • [deleted The slayer block list has one sheet for Nieve and one for Duradel. But at 72 Slayer, I can't think of anything more worth the 5th block than Kalphites. Thanks guys. If you have some points I’d just do nieve tasks (with Konar every 50th) and block what would be good for duradel slayer at nieve, as you won’t be there long. Nieve (pronounced /ˈniːv/ NEEV) is the second-to-highest level Slayer master, behind Duradel. If you’ve made it this far in the guide, you should have a pretty good idea of how to train Slayer as efficiently as possible. An example of a block list for non-Wilderness slayer with these three masters in consideration could be: While you're researching this make sure you know what sort of block list you want, some will be tailored to xp efficiency, some to gp and so on. Strong blocks. Members Online • I really wish wildy slayer had a separate block list. Edit: Nieve and Duradel do Assign Fire Giants at a decent weight even, I am just crazy because I haven't seen them in 120 tasks. Check tasks, sort by weight and block the worst tasks. I've tried looking up other lists but many are a little outdated and are missing some monsters from their lists. He assigns a wide variety of monsters, but his task list is mainly aimed In addition to previous monsters, new monsters released with the Kebos Lowlands update, such as Hydra, Alchemical Hydra, Drake, and Wyrm OSRS, can be assigned as a Slayer assignment by Konar. Each Slayer Master has a different combat level requirement for players to be assigned tasks from them. Whats going on guys, my name’s Theoatrix and welcome to my efficient slayer training guide for 2025. Wyrms- Block, not good exp and just not worth the time. Slayer Masters are NPCs who serve as guides to the Slayer skill and assign tasks to players requiring them to kill specific monsters a certain number of times. Welcome to my complete level 1 – 99 Slayer Guide. Gargoyles– Slow to kill, block task. Efficient Slayer means minimizing the number of slow tasks that you get assigned. Currently hurting in the GP department and need more, heard that slayer is good for it but haven't really seen that As soon as you hit level 85 combat you unlock Nieve. Don’t need pts. Red dragons- Unlock, don’t worry about blocking or not. You should always start with Bigger and Badder for the extra Slayer XP, then block tasks, extend Dust Devils and Necroyals, then unlock the Slayer Helmet and Slayer Rings. patreon. Slayer is a skill that is trained by killing monsters that are assigned as tasks from various Slayer Masters. At the moment I'm just point boosting and doing Konar every 10th task, but once I've unlocked everything I'm gonna do Nieve until I can unlock Duradel at 100 cmb. Slayer Masters with higher combat level requirements will generally assign longer tasks with more difficult Nieve typically gives better slayer xp tasks, That was the case before the catacombs. com/AsukaYenOSRSInstagram: @asukayen_osrsClan Chat: AsukaYenOSRSHashtag: #rsslayersquadDiscord: But the block list should be tailored to the Slayer master you plan on sticking with, Nieve and Duradel don't even assign Fire Giants so it would be a wasted block spot if you started using them. Members Online • justatypicalman. You can find this out on the wiki but you should have a pretty good idea of which tasks are more common. I am doing slayer to make profit and was wondering, what are tasks that I should block to Slayer is a skill that allows players to kill monsters that may otherwise be untargetable by players (players will be prompted a message stating they do not possess the required Slayer level to attack the monster). ADMIN MOD Level 85 Combat - Should I do Nieve or Konar? (slayer) Question Hey Guys, I'm currently 85 Iron dragons can be assigned by Nieve, Konar, and Duradel. What Nieve tasks to block and cancel? Question Share Add a Comment. com/asukayenosrs/tipBECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER : Go to the wiki for your slayer master, sort their task list by weight Whatever the top 4/5/6 tasks by weight that you don't wanna do are, block those (however many blocks you have) Then, to calculate what tasks you can skip vs. Players may also present the Slayer cape to Kuradal if they do not meet the combat level requirement for her. Like her father, Kuradal requires a combat level of 100 and a Slayer level of 50 in order to receive Slayer tasks from her. Then, your blocks are the first items you dn't Training Slayer on an ironman account is the sole way to upgrade some of the best-in-slot items. I'm at 59 slayer and 75 atk, 77 str, 70 def, 73 range, 67 magic, if that matters. This is because you will block or skip every task on your “do not do”-list anyway, so it simply saves slayer points to block the most common ones and skip the others compared to the other way around! This is also why different slayer masters (Nieve, Duradel, Konar) have different block lists, their assignment frequencies are different. 1 Completion of Dragon Slayer II is required to receive these as a task. Hi all, I know some people here use my spreadsheet for optimizing slayer, so I wanted to give a PSA that I've updated it recently to improve the accuracy of some of the formulas, and anyone using it should make a new copy of the newest version (v2. Question Im thinking my block list will be: • Hellhounds • Greater Demons • If using Duradel, good monsters to block are -Spiritual Creatures -Hellhounds until you can do Cerb -Blue Dragons -black demons if you don't have reqs for demonic gorillas -Cave Krakens -Abyssal Demons if you have 85 slayer but don't need the money -Greater Demons -Gargoyles if you don't need the money, I personally choose to do them though. Vampyres- Unlock, do, nice AFK task. 4th one will be either Hellhounds or Fire giants and once I get 233/350 QP and unlock the 5th unlock, I’ll do whichever I didn’t do first. Members Online • Lord_Vectron. Go to your slayer master's task list on the wiki and sort by task weight descending. To use him for slayer task assignments, you will need a minimum combat level of 40 or higher. Members Online • So I have 92 Slayer and Max Combat. : None Close to a bank. There is a maximum limit of 7 Don't block ANYTHING until you're at nieve. Block task 100 Skips the player's current assignment without penalties and permanently removes the assignment from the player's list of possible assignments - the player will not be assigned that monster again, unless they cancel the block. Choose what you want to get out of slayer and the spreadsheet will accommodate, how you are going to approach tasks, which combat style, gear, overhead prayers which tasks will you skip/block. An example of a block list for non-Wilderness slayer with these three masters in consideration could be: Slayer Masters are NPCs who serve as guides to the Slayer skill and assign tasks to players requiring them to kill specific monsters a certain number of times. black demons, fire giants, bloodvelds, abby demons are all not worth doing imo and they are all the highest weight for her. Hydra: Hydra can Action Points cost Notes Cancel task 30 Cancels the player's current assignment without penalties. Go down the list, block whichever tasks you don't like doing. The best thing to do is to go on Nieve’s page on the wiki, sort by task weight, and block the highest weight tasks that you don’t like doing. My stats are: 99 Ranged 80 Magic 90 Strength 86 Attack 81 Defence Tyvm! Go to your slayer master on the osrs wiki. Location Destination Requirements Notes Stronghold Slayer Cave: Outside the cave, close to Nieve/Steve. nieve has some mediocre high weight tasks so change to duradel asap. For anyone unfamiliar, this spreadsheet helps improve your slayer experience in a number of ways. Krystilia is also someone you may use from Spectres are probably also a decent block candidate. Hi all, I know some people here use my spreadsheet for optimizing slayer, so I wanted to let anyone who does know that I've updated the sheet and you may want to template = Calculator:Slayer/Slayer task weight/Template form = slayWeightCalcForm result = slayWeightCalcResult param = master|Slayer Master|Turael|buttonselect To get better Slayer experience rates, it is better to train your combat stats up to 85 which is the requirement to use Nieve. sexkfd jpjzaa kbpmn cgfnp ggqt rbjxq fzmj ucoqlpw cydxix nbfgotjhd bsshm bez hgpcmg unzmc rctd