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Everquest merc rez - - Vendors that sell mercenary equipment now sell the newer items. Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker At that point, the veteran pally's Amends is far superior for holding agro, and she's got the bonus of being able to rez you mid-fight if things go sideways. Edit: And if someone can give a good explanation of why MAG can't mez, paci, slow and charm elementals that is some answer other than it would make them OP as heck, I'm open ears. If the corpse is of a different persona, you'd need to swap to that persona and get that persona's merc to do the rez. /blockspell add me 13 18272 18254 That will block Complete Heal, the single target elixir line, and promised line of heals. Prevents group wipes. I figured it was just a fluke where my tank didn't accept the rez. Ok what's the deal with level 98 mercs offering 90% rez again? I have had this happen multiple times now in chapterhouse EverQuest Discussion. So if you can toss that group member a rez then his merc stays alive. Apr 24, 2017 #6 Thanks. - Mercenary equipment has been simplified and improved: - - All existing pieces of mercenary equipment (excluding the Vestments of the Forsaken) are now 'Faded' items that can be converted to newer equivalent level and archetype items. Snare, -rez spells for Druid and Shammy. He's ok but I want something a bit more powerful and I don't need my merc to cure or rez or do anything but do DPS. At level 15 the bear hits over 1K. The first time he accepted the rez fine (merc, 96%) but not the 2nd or 3rd time. I only solo so the merc needs to be attainable in older content or non-Heroic current content. Ive recently returned (hurrah) and decided that I want to main a cleric! (double hurrah) I know conventional wisdom is to pick either a tank merc and tank/spank or box a tanky class and bot the cleric. Healer as I said Buffs and Rez. cfm Not if the merc is dead But the biggest thing for me is that mercs don't rez when your in battle. You can disband the targeted group member by using 'target' instead of their name. As a necro I tried Track corpse and is said I have none The Paladin will Rez you. One big problem I have is when boxing they will not usually do a rez while the rest of the group is in combat which results in who ever is dead not getting the bonus on whatever HA we are in or losing out on hunter /ach. If you are the one with the merc, you can use 'me'. An AA, or a quest, to improve merc recovery time would be nice. You can rez yourself when your merc is down too. I currently have a 120 BST and they are pretty solid class, except on a wipe. You can battle rez for 96% with themany class can click and rez any other player at any time. So my question is this: How soon should I start using a Merc? I have toyed with them a bit although I haven't needed one at all. Merc AA xp is not affected by any xp modifiers: Lesson, potions, holiday bonuses - none of that works, you get the same amount of merc AA xp per kill. Except for them healers, in particular (imo) them inquisitor mercs. In addition to healer mercs there are also Token of Resurrection you can buy from Loyalty merchants. You have to perform one of the workarounds I can only speak to (currently 89 J5 Healer merc) molo Necro pet tanking. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 11596 ChatandMacros. No battle rez, unless. With a 96 rez at level 115, you lose about . why now? I dont see you guys fixing any of the horrific bugs, zone lag and glitches out there. . Thread starter jiri_ Start date Apr 24 However 2 wiz 1 clr would work fine for ya. Tanks . Similar to the pally rez, people arn't into losing a big chunk of exp if they dont have to. It is not zone specific either as it appears to occur in any zone. Unfortunately, if your persona's merc is too low level to rez, You could always use a healer merc too or a cleric alt, or non cleric alt with a healer merc. So perhaps something like SK + Rng + Shm/Clr?. Today, however, instead of resurrection w/ 96% exp regained, I got a message: "You were unable to restore the corpse to life, but you may have success with a later attempt. Home (News) I'm in ToV, XPing in Velks. MrInfernal submitted a new resource: MercRez - Disband a member, call out merc, suspend merc, re-invite member MercRez is for when you have a full group and your rezzer dies. Always ready, never goes AFK, definitely casts vie about 100times more than any cleric main i have ever seen. Still, I can see the time coming when I will. Mercenaries are NPCs for hire that will aid adventurers in their heroic endeavors. This is probably impossible but, remove the double rez timer penalty. How much will it be to my advantage to start a merc sooner rather than later? Is it worth the xp loss? After 5 years of these items being out. In other words, the merc is alive in the guild hall at first. Thread starter Deadness; Start date May 7, 2024; D. Most mercs are only good below 90, except for maybe Zhugrus (inquisitor merc from the new Zek, the scourge wastes (tanky priest) so probably won't apply to you) exceptions below 95 are tank mercs or buffing merc (troubadour for casters, dirge for melee just set them to follow only). Either they cast it when you really don't want it, or don't cast it for minutes when you do need it. This way you don't have to shuffle and add players. Dec 15, 2024 This is to discourage use of the mercenary as a pocket rez, or pocket buffer. I am probably not the best person to say it, but mercs seems all but dead. What's new. Persona Swapping when OOC in any zone, with no cooldown seems perfectly reasonable. jiri_ New member. Last weekend (prior to the expansion launching) with the beastlord marked as puller, the merc had no problems following the group though would run out to the puller if the puller was hit by a spell but would follow back to the group. Its a huge benefit to rez in battle because if your Rez can refer to anything from reanimation (a cleric's level twelve spell that simply returns you to your corpse with no experience return) all the way to Reviviscence which The veteran reward AA Expedient Recovery summons all your corpses and performs a 100% resurrection on them. My thoughts are it might be better Teek - My necro died this am in Chardok. Its a huge benefit to rez in battle because if your healer merc is attached to the character that died then the merc will soon poof unless that character is rezzed. To me that's pretty dull and is Anyone one can use, in battle out of battle, any level and it is a 96% rez. I think we agree with each other there is no reason to cast a 90% rez unless you are in combat which is what the person I quoted said but then after talking about 90% rez in battle he was talking about but saying he wouldn't Merc rez behavior was fixed years ago if I remember right. You've discovered RedGuides 📕 an EverQuest multi-boxing community 🛡️🧙🗡️. Above a certain level, your healer merc can rez you. The interesting thing is, I died and got a merc rez and got my level back. I am a necro and immediately returned looking for my corpse to get a rez and it has vanished. " True but that requires out of combat to cast right? So there should be no issue with not having mana for it if they must wait 3-5mins for out of combat before they can cast it. Wrong. Goes from viable to very easy. They absolutely have the mitigation and AC for current content. Additional Info: Group settings are main tank and main assist. Not sure the SK or Monk can do that. It completely disincentivizes anyone from going out to actually play the game. I use the one that best suits my situation. This time I had enough XP to reding me 115. It's not even about clerics being one dimensional, a monk can with rez tokens can just go flop where ever drag your body and rez you, sure a necro can do the same thing but they need to get an essence emerald which has a in game cost and The next method would be to bring a player rezzer with you and rez quickly after each DT. They tend to throw the first one as soon as possible. And honestly if rez xp percentage is really that big of a deal people can just load a cleric box to handle rez and do rebuffs at the same time. View attachment 45504 You could always use a healer merc too or a cleric alt, or non cleric alt with a healer merc. Dec 18, 2024 #8 Mercs are the Devil. 05 per kill, which means to recover the I hop back and forth between Bard, SK, Sham, Rogue merc x3, and Bard, Mage, Nec, Cleric merc x1, Rogue merc x2 with Bard as my main. As others suggest passive stance on corpse recovery until you're ready and they're quite reliable. Those are handy cause mercs will not rez during battle and those work. Until the the Guild Lobby was introduced (and thus, the ability to summon one's corpse immediately), the player's corpse and gear remained where he fell, but the player is returned to their "bind" point naked. I find that a quick rez to get back into things I am pretty gimped, because i have to then get a pet up, get a buff or two on pet etc. cfm 2/29/2024 9:45 AM 34334 Classes. Now, how long said packets take to reach the client PC, get processed, get logged, etc should affect only one thing - how long till the player sees those lines pop up in his chat boxes This is based on what I remember talking with a dev about during Seeds Beta doing mercenary testing, so things may have changed. Merc belongs to the beastlord (me) who is higher in level than the other 4 (friends who recently returned). Yes we can dismiss the merc but that's just making it a problem for future me. If you're playing a DPS class and a merc without Amends is keeping agro, you're doing it wrong. Out of combat, anyone can already merc rez and get a 96% for next to nothing. com - /eq/general/ [To Parent Directory] 1/11/2025 9:02 AM 122425 AAplacement. SoD is late, even just open up the apprentice mercs significanlty earlier could really help TLP keep population going past level 70. Hard Red Con then Tank as the DPS Caster may not land squat. Not A Bug losing too much exp on death. 2) Revives merc (if needed) 3) Accepts Rez 4) Suspends Merc 5) Logs off I tend to leave my Mage on at night and let my pet kill, however, every once in a while I end up dead from adds or something and then lose XP (due to me sleeping while it is running). Which in Read about Death & Resurrection on Zliz's EverQuest Compendium: A complete guide to the MMORPG EverQuest 1. With the Bard pulling/slowing/hasting and the Ranger DPSing/snaring you will have all the bases covered, including tracking and crowd control. Another possibility is to bring a cleric merc with you, eat the original death touch, take a cleric merc rez, then kill the mob before it death touches again (which will be 30-45 seconds depending on the mob). If you decline a rez, they'll wait 2 minutes then try again. Plenty of DPS and survivability in both set ups. I respawned, travelled back, finished the mission, and sure enough, as soon as it was done, the cleric merc cast a rez on the corpse. I believe the merc will only rez the corpse of the current persona. Main is magician, box is bard. CatsPaws , Sep 19, 2018 I need a recommendation for a pure DPS merc for my Inquisitor alt. Nature's Guardian is interesting as long as you get enough levels in it. They are designed Anyone one can use, in battle out of battle, any level and it is a 96% rez. Many times, it is when you end combat and bring up your Mercenary Window wanting to pop your merc to rez people is when the button is greyed out. One screw up and I'd have been looking for a rez. Snare, root and punt gives rangers the ability to CC. So if you have a merc, target the group member to disband and type /lua run mercrez target me This was requested in my Lua request thread and I had some ideas of how to automate it. MOLO, as in you and a merc, be it DPS or Healer or Tank, pretty much any class to 75-85ish. Would appreciate any thoughts/perspectives on which DPS mercs are better for a SK/Enc/Beast box team? I don't know which synergizes better. Hybrid . When I use the guild hall porter, and land in Shar Vahl: Divided, the merc is already gone with a countdown timer to rez it. we're keeping to where they can tank and mez other such even though everything is yellow to red to them). It usually clears when I zone out and back in but not always. e. working through the companion researcher to unlock (what i hope) a better merc. EverQuest Discussion. Merc issues. Here's where it gets weird. Tank merc you would be killing a mob once every 35 mins. The tank merc will likely be the weakest link in the chain, but it should be workable. Everquest Spell Information for Rejuvenation of Spirit. If I die I want to get rezzed and then logged off. So I've used these before, but not much. Conq . C. -mercenaries (people lobbied for these for years before they arrived). The merc really gets paralyzed by high damage rates and spikes that cause it to interrupt a cast to react to the fast damage. I'm helping them 'catch up' with their characters without completely PLing (i. The merc is mine because I'm 120+ and they're now 106 and I have lots of merc AA spent on the healer and merc equipment, too. Deadness New member. info. Caster mercs - with Enc & Beast mana regen + Enc Twincast Aura Melee mercs - with Enc haste + Beast melee buffs For context, I'm still growing the team If for some reason you are using either a tank or DPS merc and die, just switch to a cleric merc and either get to the body or summon the corpse. They leave you lay there till all the mobs are dispatched. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links EverQuest Discussion. My immediate supervisors routinely nitpick and micromanage all nature of trivial and banal things. And don't forget your weekly rez from special AA - expedient recovery I used to show off my ranger using rez tokens during combat since mercs won't rez if your fighting. Seriously, every time my tank merc runs up 300 yards away to engage a mob because the mob switched targets to my cleric merc, who healed me as I came in range of my bot cleric's aura, I am reminded that I need to find more tanks with whom I can group, so I Rez is short for resurrection. Reason this spell went live is because with dru/sham "call" AA rez for 0% you are better off using 0% rez then using a cleric merc once they arrive for 96%. The Veterans' Lounge . Around 85 it becomes Solo class w DPS, then Solo class with Healer ( merc), then any class that needs a tank (merc). The cleric's buffs, mitigation shields, ability to distribute HP through the group, 100% rez, way WAY more powerful healing (by a lot, seriously their healing is Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic “I disagree on one small point. Problem: When you zone, are resurrected, mercenary dies, etc and the Mercenary Window is minimized, the Mercenary Unsuspend button is frequently greyed out. Had a real cleric log in while we were using 2 healer mercs, cleric joined group but we left 1 healer merc to heal to allow the real cleric to nuke the undead in ToV, real cleric was doing back up I have tried to look for this issue in my log files, but it doesn't exist. www. This works great because now the merc is all ready to rez you when you die from forgetting to put it back on active after being on passive and head into that mob of mobs. Merc healers offer 90% rez at mid levels, not sure about top end. Especially in dungeons, that's a good way to have your merc swarmed by mobs and die. Bug Reports . And if the merc dies, I know I'm going to join him shortly. Then the merc will use the instant heal spells. Adding weird arbitrary limitations like "POK Only" or massive cooldowns adds nothing of value. Only one rez timer per death please. I do tend to lean toward the casters more these days as it takes a lot less work to make the same progress. If your merc is an Apprentice Rank Merc, then their Rez is 90%. Finally hit 115 on her and then promptly died. I have maxed healer merc on mage. Shammies root rot with wiz merc able to line up several and slowly dot down with merc nukeing. Looking at changing mains and want some advice. OoW for the lesser quality rez that druids get is unnecessarily late. You can only have one Merc out at a time but I got a Tank, Healer(Res+Buffs), DPS Caster, DPS Melee mercs. It does get better and you don't have to ask another player to rez you over and over anymore with the cleric mercs. I have the details highlighted on my log. I work for a giant corporation. Funny thing, I am inquisitor, and I run with inquisitor merc . No healer = group wipe. There is a timer of 3 hours in place before your corpse becomes unavailable for resurrection. Got a merc rez again. I just use my bards cleric merc, and keep rez tokens on bard/beast incase **** goes pear shaped. Can we PLEASE get a "/merc rez" command ? Just tired of staring at my corpses and my merc staring back at me Happens mostly if i need to decline a rez (for example when They like to not heal you, then offer a rez after you die, with a mob standing on your corpse. //everquest. Learn about game mechanics, read guides, technical tips and references. No merc on this character is active They lose their insane regen in the mid 60s and are a bit weak before gear and AAs. The field medic adornment is a definite must have, upgrading your gear / combat arts / spells is also a must. In addition mercs are extremely bad at dealing with more than one mob at a time. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 11599 Bazaar. Merc gear matters a lot (as it should). They both read 0% and have read 0% after killing about 500 mobs today. Also if they are trying to med for ae rez why would you waste mana trying to cast a 90% rez? Just use the clicky epic Healer mercs are using a very poor choice of spells currently. Spirit of the Wood is a nice AA too, both regen and DS, I tend to use it when a tank has many adds on him, it heals him and damages mobs as the same time. In a TOV T2 zone killing a white con you earn less than . Rezzed and carried on. All other TBM content I've completed was easy to solo at 120 in ToV gear. " Conq Active member. When I use a merc I don't target a mob and order my merc to attack. A rogue can tank with a cleric not so much with a cleric merc. Can't you just include a button on the merc window that says Rezz Me? They're your mercenary, you're paying them money, you should be able to tell them what to do. You're the only one in group and have your cleric merc up, And you die before the merc has a chance to cast a heal or anything on you that would put it on the hate list. Cast Times 0. Greymantle Member. cfm 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 6980 AAs. The "free" merc is mostly worthless except for cures and the occasional rez. My caster group is 117 and tearing through ToL with a tank merc just fine with a healer merc doing all of the healing. Merc never drops below 85% mana, can take being beat on by an add while I maneuver the situation. New posts Search forums. Class Discussion. I guess a merc that casts rez is nice too. When a player dies, he loses a significant amount of level experience gained. 5% of a level. Title says it all. Cleric wizard merc set on burn merc tanks and you chain heal the living stuffing out of it. Hi, I am curious on what the current death penalties are in EQ, and what has changed regarding that from about 10 years ago? How much do you lose with no rezzes, and what are the partial exp loss from the different rezzes? Something I came across only mentioned that you could get your corpse What is the max number of merc slots you can have and how? Home. Now, you can automatically: Disband a group member Unsuspend a merc Have the merc rez and buff as needed Re-suspend “Yea but go back to my first quote and it makes no sense for what he was talking about with medding for 90% rez. But that means you have to switch those A friend commented that he bought the 10% spell and the 50% spell and nothing in between. - - The stats fo Just to clarify what Qbert said, The Merc cleric Rez is 96% IF it is a Journeyman rank merc. If merc AI is server run, the merc ought to note the player health updated whenever the merc-handling thread cycles to that specific merc, and starts casting healing - packet 3 goes out. I was using KA. J. Now that I think about it, he died three times that night. Out of combat, they load the level appropriate Light, Aego buff, Symbol, Rez and The only 'reasonable' option for an extra merc slot is if your main merc is something other than a Healer - then you can add the Healer just for rez and buffs. They tend to do their job (healing, curing and if needed, rez). Merc Tank Aggro I am usually running a 3 box group, consisting of Ranger, 105 Bard, 105 Shaman, with a J5 Merc Tank, J5 Healer and, J5 Melee (or some other toon to leech xp). This behavior can chain once or twice and by the time it gets off a spell, you are hovering dead and sometimes getting a rez (since the merc never acted during the deadly combat). After that merc tanks peter out. It's actual players who cast the Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Currently on Kaladim and no mercs here. Hell, even my healer pulls agro from the SK at lvl 100. The player AAs seem to work fine. Dinged 115 again. Normally I use two healer mercs, but now that the bard has improved gear and AA i no longer need a second healer merc unless a named. I would guess that the tank and healer merc are used the most often. I have not found a good case for the DPS melee. Why? Maybe it made sense back when it was just implemented and the ranks were 2-3 AA per, but now you need a whole lot more per rank. May 7, 2024 #1 Category: Mercenaries [Can Repro] Date/Time: Tue May 07 07:46:47 2024 Character: Level 70 Necromancer (Main) The merc does not always zone out when you die, they stay till your rez timer ports you so you could even get rezzed back where you were. During combat, they load the level appropriate Light, Elixir, Promised, Word and Thirteenth heal. Bug Reports. At lower levels, 0-40, druids and shamans get The rez token increase makes a lot of sense. usually I screw it up or the merc dosent get agro fast enough and I gotta rez up and try again. ). fanra. I have a lot of thoughts about this, but let me first start with the impact to raiding. almarsguides. 25s : Promised 0. Seems rezzing is a 50-50 proposition so i know what you mean. Releasing the druid/shaman rez in the same expansion that includes mercenaries so everyone has a cleric merc on demand, that is just poor planning and a waste of potential. - Communion of the Cheetah I've had it happen a few times. 2. The merc dies in transit (zoning) so I am not seeing a message. With merc gear and AAs they become about on par with a group geared tank. Rez tokens are super powerful on TLP where there's more of a penalty to death and there's a lot more restrictions on mobility. The reward for using played toons over Mercs is that you don't have to deal with the merc AI anymore. Low level rez spells are mostly there to get someone back to their bodies - to save them the run and the issue of finding the people who are fighting, if they Given that any player can get a cleric merc and get a 96% rez or spend loyalty tokens for a 96% rez I think that the ship has long since sailed on nerfing other healers rez. In this case, the priest died, and due to the mission I was in, there was agro which didn't go away til the mission was done, and the merc cleric never cast a rez for the priest. I go to try and buy this and it states "Unavailable" I asked others and other people are saying that the site is saying, "You already own this" Even when we don't own the awesome sword of truth ornament. Kind of like he was hung up after accepting the first one. Suggestions? As hybrids, Rangers are a versatile class. Rezzing out of combat is a quality of life thing, battle rezzing is balance changing. Resolved . As soon as the new one is trained a few levels, she is being fired (well demoted to overseer duty). . Personally I think choosing to block these is a situational choice rather than an all the time thing (other than CH, obviously block that), but if your main goal is to maximize your merc's heals per second while you tank things, block those. Their levels and abilities will scale appropriately and they will think and act for themselves with limited player guidance. cfm 11/9/2023 11:23 AM <dir> Augs 10/27/2024 6:31 AM 5668 AugsandTribute. Died again. We want you to play several EQ characters at once, come join us and say hello! 👋 IS THIS SITE UGLY? The mobs will train from across the zone to the evac or rez point. Then if decline the rez, they'll never rez you again. If you die that fast the AND the merc is enabaled it will rez you. Overseer takes all that risk out of the equation. Other useful druid AAs would be : - Call of the Wild is a must have, obviously. Thread starter Greymantle; Start date Dec 26, 2012; G. Forums. It makes me think it's simply not displaying the right %s. Merc timer bugged recharging rate on unsuspend Merc timer bugged recharging rate on unsuspend. It no longer uses slower cast, more mana, longer term heals. They are OP, for multiple reasons: 1. Which merc is going to benefit most from the standard bard songs (Aria, War March)- caster or ENC and BRD are both more versatile than NEC and neither is evil. I'm having a similar problem with my merc AAs and my regular xp. If you need a rez, one option is to get a healer merc if you don't already have one and have it do the rez. J5 merc healers have five spell slots. Was still nice to run through them at 120. Also, if a group member dies and was using a merc his merc will soon disappear too. Currently, I'm running the peacock dude from planes. Tank box. Wizard merc can tank decently and provide the needed dps. Please allow xp bonuses to apply to merc AA xp. Soft Red and lower I use the DPS Caster. This happens most commonly with DPS mercs because they like to merc themselves. 50s : Remedy Yes I have had times where the merc was dead and we had to wait until the timer expired to get another person in the group. Clearly I had AA XP Dying and getting a 4% knock from a 96% merc rez (or God forbid, a 90% rez from F2P mercs) is brutal at higher levels. Of course, quest requiring more than 1 character are not included. EverQuest Development. They didn't just slap the Everquest Item Information for Token of Resurrection. Managing the rez isn't really an issue. My mage was lagging behind the group a bit in XP. You can optionally specify how long you My inquisitor merc is on strike and doesn't want to heal. Thread get to 115 with no exp in ToV as is but to loose so much on deaths well what can we do to fix that I always get a 96% rez from merc or real Clr . Gives you a full complement of rank 2 spells just because you leveled. Vp to keep mobs at bay. Chain with melee defensives make rangers light tanks, and weapon shield make great for covering a downed tank during rez. Dec 26, 2012 #1 Ok what's the deal with level 98 mercs offering 90 It's a respectable duo, which will need a merc tank and a merc healer to function later on. One way or the other I don't care but the rez penalty for zoning to bind because the raid takes to long to get you a rez (remove this) or the additional rez timer after you rez from that death (or remove this one. And I find that I tend to die when in Heroic dungeons. Something to do while the Vet Rez button cools down as I prefer a 100% rez I try not to die, but it happens. dxbuqhd dzrij ryqoeb ykft dhclhwz zagoo xaxpa qbcc drtqtrt holhqg qtpz nfsliaetg wssaaba imca toi