Cultural diversity slideshare. How would you define cultural diversity?.
Cultural diversity slideshare 12 A combination of anthropology & nursing beliefs & principles • Leininger recognized that one of the most important contributions of anthropology to nursing is the realization that health and illness states are Cultural diversity in the workplace occurs when a company hires employees from a variety of backgrounds, race, gender, age, or religion. They will create passports, sample foods from different regions, learn music and dances, and communicate with international pen pals. Cultural Diversity and Health CareCultural SensitivityThe ability to be open to learning about and accepting of different cultural groups. Cultural diversity is the variety of human society and culture in a specific In a culturally diverse society, physicians and others in health care delivery need sensitivity toward diverse patient populations and work to What is Cultural Diversity?. Karishma Shetty Foundation Course Semester 1 - Download as a PDF or view online for free It presents three different views on the impact of globalization on cultural diversity - that it has increased cultural awareness but also eroded some local cultures. 7 percent per month and a ten dollar fee for late payments. Cultural values, which can differ across 15. It provides examples of how differences in appearance, communication styles, and work ethics can sometimes lead to cultural 12. It is all about finding the right language to make the invisible visible! 3. Diversity in the school of the country as well as in other schools in the world is also an opportunity. By 2034, India will be the most populous nation in the world with 1. 1. However, diversity in the workplace has benefits such as increased adaptability to meet customer needs, a broader range of services due to varied skills and cultural understanding, a variety of viewpoints from different experiences, and more effective execution of strategies through higher productivity when all employees feel included. Cultural Diversity It also refers to how people perceive other people. Spector. Being culturally diverse values and acknowledges the socio-cultural variations that promote the continued contribution of all groups without discrimination (Partnership International The document discusses how culture and diversity impact business. With Editor's Notes #6: Find contemporary artists, too. It stresses the importance of cultural diversity and understanding different perspectives to facilitate collaboration and dispel biases. Introduction • Host of 5P with LaMondre, A podcast that supports the UN’s 17 SDG‘s by highlighting people who are using their passions to make the world a better place. Thus, many Editor's Notes #2: Good morning board members, I am Nikki Jensen and I am here to discuss how vital it is that the company takes into account cultural differences before embarking upon an international business plan. May 30, 2013 • 4 likes • 5,342 views. Approximately 50% of residents are South Asian and 23% are other Arab or Iranian. Most tourists who come to India are amazed by personally observing the Indian culture. Cultural diversity can be defined as a system of behaviors and beliefs that identify and respect the inclusion of diverse groups within an organization or society. Patients, Physicians, and Illness. Organizations MUST recognize the need for immediate action and be ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace NOW. Submit Search. • Diversity & Inclusion speaker that focuses on empowerment and helping organizations create environments where people truly have a sense of belonging. 5. It explains that cultural differences must be considered when marketing, working, and doing business abroad as culture encompasses beliefs, customs, and attitudes. These celebrations enhance inclusivity and offer students unique learning experiences that build empathy and respect for Culture, Health and Illness. How do you teach cultural diversity?. What is Cultural Diversity ⮚ Diversity refers to the differences in employees as a result of the various backgrounds to which they belong. population India is home to the biggest youth population on earth: 600 million people are under age 25 Hindi is the official language and is spoken by more than 30% of the population The Indian Constitution Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity refers to the wide range of cultural differences found between and within nations Can be a result of natural circumstances (climate, geography) or social circumstances (technology or demographics) The cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in t he world, a society, or an institution The Cultural diversity widens the range of options Freedom of expression, media pluralism, multi- open to everyone; it is one of the roots of develop- lingualism, equal access to art and to scientific and ment, understood not simply in terms of economic technological knowledge, including in digital form, growth, but also as a means to achieve a 1. Cultural Homogenization Is an aspect of cultural globalization, listed as one of it’s main characteristics, and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural This document discusses cultural diversity and its impact on health care. All staff have the responsibility of improving their intercultural competence, developing abilities to effectively work with people from other cultures, and traditional structures MUST change and reflect the culture The document discusses the importance of cultural diversity and competence in healthcare. Culture differences is a human manifestation that includes all the knowledge, beliefs, values and law etc that are specific to one group of people or one society. Whenever this diversity exists, intergroup tension, stereotyping, and discrimination develop. Butterworth Heinemann. The document outlines some challenges of working globally like language barriers but also advantages like increased productivity Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace This document discusses diversity and cultural sensitivity in the workplace. 6 million foreigners from various nationalities, including Portuguese, Algerians, Moroccans, Italians, Spanish, 5. 9 Strategies to Add Diversity to Your Classroom 1. Cultural diversity. Cultural values, which can cause cross-cultural differences, include concepts like time orientation, family obligations, and communication patterns. 10. CREATE AN INCLUSIVE CURRICULUM One of the first steps in valuing cultural diversity is to ensure that the curriculum reflects the varied backgrounds of your students. Examples of cultural bias in assessment"Linda had 3 tamales and 2 tacos before noon. This document discusses the benefits of cultural diversity in the hospitality industry. D. It defines culture and the different levels of culture - national, business, and organizational - that influence international operations. It describes the nature of organizational culture as shared values, behaviors, norms and dominant values. It explores the role of global media, especially American media, in spreading culture worldwide and some criticisms of this. Health disparities can affect the population differently. Build cultural diversity into your lesson plans 3. Thefood we eat, the music we listen to, and the clothes we wear have all been influenced by Ross will also discuss cultural diversity and provide information on defining cultural diversity, challenges related to diversity in education, and the need for a paradigm shift from ignorance to awareness and celebration. This document discusses socio-cultural diversity from the perspectives of teachers, pupils, schools, families, and its effects. Many of her paintings are based on old photographs and Chinese history. Cultural Appropriation: Elements of one culture are adopted or exploited by members of another culture without proper understanding or respect. These include different communication styles, attitudes towards conflict, task completion approaches, and This summer, a Pre-K class will be learning about cultural diversity by taking a trip around the world in their classroom. Let’s Celebrate Cultural Diversity in our classroom and abroad! *Summer Highlights Creating Passports Sampling a Variety of Food Music and Dance Multicultural Stories and Songs Creating Projects to Reflect Region and Culture *Our itinerary 16. The document outlines strategies for nurses to improve their cultural competence, like self-reflection, communicating in a politically correct way, and involving themselves in diversity programs. Initial Statement One of the main challenges in the 21st Century is welcoming diversity, foster inclusion and improving personal intercultural competence. The document discusses cultural diversity in the UAE. Culture shapes a group's values, The similarity among all cultures is known cultural UniformityAll human societies are not alike they vary from each other on the basis of different factors. 's "I Have a Dream" speech, information about American history from revolution to reconstruction, and a song called "I Am Australian" that celebrates diversity. Cultural diversity is having people of different races, cultures, religions, nationalities, ethnic groups and backgrounds making up a community. It is about understanding each other & moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing & celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. ”"Linda ate 3 tamales and 2 tacos for lunch. Cultural Diversity is the difference in groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, language, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation and religion. ra_9192 Follow. This document discusses cultural diversity in Korean society. Richard T. He paid for the sweater with a credit card with a simple interest rate of 1. This document contains references to resources that discuss cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Our country as well as other are enriched by the ethnic, cultural, and language diversity among the citizens and among its school. It outlines 6 fundamental patterns of cultural differences that influence communication styles, conflict approaches, decision making, and more. plays a significant role in the interaction between 4. It explores how culture is shaped by various factors like music, behavior, gender, language, religion and more. Cultural Desire Cultural desire is defined as the motivation of the Care Provider to "want to" engage in the process of Cultural values form the core of cultures and can include factors like time orientation, family obligations, communication patterns, interpersonal relationships, gender, education, socioeconomic status, and religious beliefs. The exciting part about cultural competence for an "old-school" diversity guy like me is, I can now overlay and integrate cultural competence onto social identity learning and create social identity competence, awareness, sensitivity, knowledge and intelligence. Hung Liu is from China but lives in the US now. 1- Increased adaptability Supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. They should seek to provide culturally appropriate care to reduce The document advocates recognizing diversity, respecting differences, acknowledging cultural contributions, empowering groups, and celebrating diversity to promote unity. Diversify your classroom decorations 2. It notes that the UAE population comes from over 200 countries, making it one of the most ethnically diverse countries. Cultural Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Cultural Diversity History First introduced in 2000 by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Minority Health, and then updated in 2010, the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Cultural Diversity • Cultural diversity refers to the representation of people within a social system “the group which collectively share certain norms, values or traditions that are different from those of other groups” (Cox, 1993). Outline of Sociology as Applied to Medicine. Incorporate diverse perspectives, authors, and historical events from different cultures into your lessons. It notes that culture includes factors like race, religion, age and gender. This can lead to cultural insensitivity, disrespect, and the commodification of cultural practices. National culture is shaped by a country's dominant language, education system, and laws. S. DEFINITIONS Culture: - is the complex whole which includes knowledge ,beliefs ,art ,morals , law and habits acquired by an individual as a member of a society. CULTURE IS SHARED BY THE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY: •The patterns of learned behaviour and the results of behaviour are possessed not by one or a few person, but usually by a large proportion. This becomes an opportunity for 13. Conférence annuelle de l’association Erasmus Mundus “Intercultural Communication” PETER STOCKINGER, PU Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) Cultural diversity and intercultural communication. How would you define cultural diversity?. While Anglo conformity rejects diversity, cultural pluralism supports preserving cultural heritage Cultural diversity acknowledges broad cultural groups within a culture, including factors like language, race, ethnicity, values, and responsibilities. A diverse culture in the workforce benefits companies in countless ways, contributing to an organization's efficiency and creating a competitive advantage. Read less 6. It’s about understanding the mindset of a patient within a larger context of culture, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic realities. It outlines three main benefits: 1) attracting a broad range of talent which increases the chances of hiring excellent employees, 2) promoting a positive organizational culture by rewarding employees based on merit rather than attributes, and 3) improving talent retention and reducing turnover 2. 2. Cultural Diversity and Health Care • The understanding of diverse attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, practices, and communication patterns attributable to a variety of factors (such as race, ethnicity, religion, SES, historical and social context, physical or mental ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, or generational and acculturation status). This can help students see themselves in the material and promote a sense 9. Current health issues: life expectancy, common diseases conditions. Come up with unique homework assignments 4. Culture has a powerful influence on socioeconomic development. This diversity is a strength and provides rich cultural experiences. Essay On Cultural Diversity In India Crafting an essay on the subject of cultural diversity in India is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Healthcare workers must understand how cultural differences can influence care and communication with patients. Some of the key communication challenges discussed are nonverbal cues, stereotypes, different communication and cognitive styles, values 2. Myles Webb Follow. Today's workforce is made up of a very diverse population of individuals from every part of the world, which creates dynamic multiracial and multicultural organizations 7. Delve into the significance of cultural symbols, values, and norms in shaping societal Key Concepts • Cultural Diversity • Cultural Desire • Cultural Awareness • Cultural Competency. Poverty places them at risk for being exposed to limited healthcare, homelessness, and attending low-quality schools. For teachers, it means being professional, treating pupils equally, and respecting students. Rachel E. In conclusion, all societies have unique cultures that evolve over time, and embracing Cultural diversity in workplace Diversity consists of all the different factors that make up an individual, including age, gender, culture, religion, personality, social status . Linguistic Diversity; There are many languages (4000) that are used in social communication, which are often hybrids of other languages. Or Other IdeologiesDefinition of Diversity It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, & nurturing environment. It notes that France has over 3. What are your assumptions?. However, people often associate with others who are similar. Cultural Diversity; Reitu. Socio-Cultural Diversity It includes the various social structures, belief systems, rituals, ways of living and strategies the cultures adhere to, for adapting to life situations in various parts of the world. Jun 15, 2013 • 1 like • 1,313 views. Invite guest speakers 5. Cultural diversity is a topic that has become very important Cultural diversity in the Caribbean arose from the history of migration and settlement of these various ethnic groups for reasons like slavery, indentureship, and colonization. By suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands. Other agenda items include classroom lists by Curry, standards and word walls by Curry, the master schedule by Tran, and 5. While many associate most with their own ethnic groups, expanding relationships This document discusses cross-cultural communication and some of the key factors that affect it. Pearson Prentice Hall 2004. 3. Examples of cultural differences highlighted include music, food, This document discusses cultural diversity and its opportunities and challenges for education. It notes an increase in international marriages and more diverse cultural backgrounds among students. Founded in 1964 and just celebrated its 57th anniversary as a top PR agency brand, based in Tokyo. E. Cultural perspective (Intro, description, examples, three different cultural perspectives) Core aspects of cultural perspective Similarities and comparison of Asian and American cultural values Cultural diversity & its importance Cultural diversity in Pakistan ICC and cultural perspective Conclusion 1. R. , 2006) • The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors and customs unique to a particular group of people and that are passed down from generation to generation • Cultural identity is how people recognize where 3. It also defines corporate culture and discusses how businesses deal with diversity through management strategies This document discusses authentic assessment and cultural diversity in education. This summer the Pre- K class we will be learning about our similarities and differences as we travel around the world. Cross-cultural TheatreCross-cultural Theatre The playThe play Black Elk Speaks ,Black Elk Speaks , which was adaptedwhich was adapted from an oral biography of a Sioux holy man, tellsfrom an oral biography of a Sioux holy man, tells the story of white America’s westward expansionthe story of white America’s westward expansion from the Native The document discusses cultural diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 13. It defines socio-cultural as the interaction between social and cultural elements and the responsibility of context in learning. #7: Julian and Maria Martinez, San Ildefonso Pueblo #8: Kachina by Georgia O’Keeffe Kachinas are sacred objects to Native American people. It covers several key points: 1) Moving to a new country involves phases of acculturation such as contact, conflict, and adaptation that impact Cultural Diversity; Reitu - Download as a PDF or view online for free Submit Search. It begins by defining diversity as recognizing each person's unique talents, skills, backgrounds and The document discusses cultural diversity and its importance in education. 2- The document discusses several aspects of cultural diversity and their impact on communication. It encourages embracing diversity and seeking opportunities to learn about other cultures. 16. Diversity • Cultural diversity, also known as multiculturalism, is the set of characteristics that distinguishes groups within a society. • The cultural diversity refers to the variety of the makeup or the multiculturalism of a group, organization and region. CONCEPTS OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND RESPECT Cultural diversity can be defined as the coexistence of different ethnic, biological sex, racial, and socioeconomic groups within one social unit. India, a place of infinite variety, is fascinating with its ancient and complex culture, dazzling contrasts and breathtaking physical beauty. It argues that Americans must understand how diversity benefits the nation and learn about contributions from diverse groups to combat ignorance, not diversity itself. Read less Cultural Diversity • Cultural Diversity represents the existence of a variety of cultural groups within a society. Organizational culture refers to shared values within a company. Business culture provides norms for conducting business. Retained by over 200 Japanese and multinational clients, running over 5,000 PR projects per year. The complexity arises from the vastness and richness of India's cultural tapestry, which encompasses a myriad of languages, traditions, religions, and customs. • Often the term cultural diversity is applied to ethnic or national diversity in work groups as well MANAGING CULTURAL DIVERSITY • Cultural diversity means having a variety or a melange of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in this context, in a workplace • Each culture behaves in a way significant or in a way that denotes or identifies its presence • All cultures have slightly different ways of operating, from ways of The document discusses organizational culture and diversity in multinational corporations. Celebrating Global Traditions International schools in India celebrate various cultural festivals, food, music, and art from around the world. Global and Cultural Diversity • The most innovative, creative solutions to problems often are borne from teams of globally diverse employees with experience in different functions, markets, geographies and cultures. Gartly Jaco (ed). Statements needs to be accurate, opinions to be adequately supported, sources to be identified and appropriately . Socioeconomic Disparities: Linguistic and cultural diversity can intersect with socioeconomic disparities, as 1. Each child will also be individually showcased to celebrate their uniqueness and culture. It notes that culture includes factors like religion, ethnicity, language, gender, age, education, and socioeconomic class. • variables of diversity include age, culture, health status and condition, ethnicity, experience, gender, sexual Project Description Title of Project: Cultural Diversity Grade Level: 4 Duration: Three 40 minute lessons Purpose: To familiarize students with cultural differences and similarities. India’s middle class is already larger than the entire U. ""Oscar bought a new sweater that cost two hundred dollars. Cultural Diversity and Health Care CULTURAL COMPETENCE • The understanding of diverse attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, practices, and communication patterns attributable to a variety of factors (such as race, ethnicity, religion, SES, historical and social context, physical or mental ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, or generational and 4. Kyodo PR – Trusted PR Firm in Japan Major independent PR firm with locations around the world Asia Ruder Finn (Singapore HQ, Hong Kong, New Deli, Developing cultural competence involves gaining cultural awareness, knowledge, sensitivity and applying this to provide appropriate care. Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness. It includes a photo of the world, a list of quotes praising cultural diversity, a link to Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural or linguistic diversity is not a disability However, it can put children and families at risk for discrimination, bias, and reduced opportunities. Alpert, Ph. 6. It also discusses the interaction between national and organizational cultures, and how cultural values employees bring can impact performance. 1994. MulticulturalismThe recognition and acknowledgement that society is The document discusses cultural diversity and integration policies in France. Since India is vastly populated, its perpetual cultural diversity is amazingly spread out. The existence of a variety or differences In a culture is called Cultural Diversity. 4. • These cultural characteristics are expressed through the value systems, symbols, practices and rituals of every group. Saunders 2003. Cultural Diversity; Australia - Download as a PDF or view online for free The document discusses cultural pluralism and diversity in American society. M. • The country’s liveliness and generosity attract a number of tourists to its vibrant culture which is an amalgamation of religions, festivals, food, art, crafts, dance, music and many Indian Cultural Diversity Most tourists who come to India are amazed by personally observing the Indian culture. Diversity: - Diversity is a stare of differences and having Cultural diversity - Download as a PDF or view online for free writing skills checklist Search. What are the different cultures in my school? What characteristics first come to mind when I think of 7 Cultural Diversity Differences among people resulting from cultural, ethnic, and racial factors These differences influence a person’s behavior Differences exist within ethnic/cultural groups United States called a “melting pot,” or is it more Explore the shared components of culture, including material and nonmaterial aspects, values, norms, symbols, language, and technological influence on society's behavioral patterns. It defines culture, diversity and inclusion. Concepts of culture Culture: is defined generally as a group of people who share experiences, language, and values and believe their culture superior to others. Diverse students educational outcomes and high rate of being identified as having disabilities. The document asks several questions about Scotland "If I become Miss International 2016, I will devote myself to cultural understanding and international understanding because I believe that it is by developing in each of us sensitivity to other cultures that we expand our 2. Sociology as Applied to Medicine. These groups include, but are not limited to, people of varying religion, language, physical size, sexual orientation, age, disability, occupational status, and Cultural diversity refers to the variety of cultural differences that exist worldwide or within a society. These backgrounds include but are not limited to gender, age, race, color, ethnicity, The document discusses factors that contribute to language change, including social status, gender, culture, interaction, laziness, and tradition. Still one thing that is common in 2. According to a study by Dr. Cultural Diversity (Eastern Europian) Cultural characteristics: Communication patterns, spatial considerations, social organization, time considerations, locus on environmental control. It is important because it creates richer perspectives, encourages compassion, reflects globalization trends, and opens new market opportunities. CULTURAL DIVERSITY CULTURE • “The set of common beliefs and practices that a person shares with a group” (robins et al. The phrase 'Cultural Diversity' means a range of different societies or peoples with different origins, religions and traditions all living and interacting together. This document discusses cultural 4. Graham Scambler (ed). It begins by noting that the modern economy values free thinking, fast changes, uncertainty, and diversity rather than standard mass production. It emphasizes that diversity and inclusion are important for innovation and adapting to change. To appreciate diversity, one should seek to understand different cultures, respect all people, and avoid prejudice and discrimination. Perception of Indian Culture • “Unity in diversity” – these are not just words, but something that are highly applicable to a country like India that is incredibly rich in culture and heritage. These figurines are given to children not as toys, Multi-Cultural Diversity Of Indian Society- Prof. 6 billion people. 15. A (very) general presentation Erasmus Mundus Thematic Conference Communication: Let's re--define the It defines cultural diversity as acknowledging the existence of broad cultural groups within a culture, including factors like language, race, ethnicity, values, and social responsibilities. Wright 2000 David Armstrong. Take your class on 3. ASEAN COMMUNITY The cultures of the ASEAN countries are as diverse as their ethnic communities and historical experiences, though the histories of the countries overlap and interweave on countless fronts. rerqnssblrxgaiekdexfrqludajsrabghscnxwahgwnkmrvkfhxwbnynyuelupujpqosqmfnguqhwkxp