12 gauge slug for black bear. Ditto for the ubiquitous .
12 gauge slug for black bear. 45 acp pistol and the other with my Ruger .
- 12 gauge slug for black bear e. But we have stupid handgun laws. A 12 gauge slug will do the trick on brown or black bear. Bear spray, often considered the preferred first line of defense, is lightweight, easy to deploy, and highly effective in deterring bears. A reliable Winchester pump-action shotgun and Brenneke Black Magic Magnum slugs. B. Black bear country, with the slim possibility of a griz. Black bears can run something like 30mph so you will probably want more chances to hit. Track Order Help. revolver. A 20 ga slug is more than adequate! A small 20 gauge slug is 3/4 of an ounce or 328 grains. Like you say, I assume either of these options would be just fine against most black Brennekes are commonly used to kill bear here in Alaska, both black and brown, they do the business. Many of the bears were recovered for villagers to process meat. military in 1873, the . #4. Black bears sure. 1. Both are devasitating rounds. to kill either animal if needed. Canada. Be The First To Review this ammo. A 12 gauge shotgun loaded with slugs with good shot placement can definitely kill a mid Find your best price for Brenneke 12 Gauge Ammo shotgun slug | Cheap Brenneke 12 Gauge Ammunition shotgun slug - AmmoSeek. I will be hunting with Federal sabot rounds and would like to bag a bear if the opportunity presents itself. It will make a world of difference when shooting slugs. Ranger Ellis fires 11 times while rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple each fire 5 times, dropping the bear 12 feet away. One of our most popular slugs for many years, the Black Magic Magnum will take on the world’s biggest, toughest creatures with ease. " Here is the web site Looking for the best Gauge and Ammo for a Black Bear and Mountain Lion, 12 Gauge Buckshot? I have a A300 Tactical 7+1, 12 gauge and have buck shoot or slugs for when camping, for saftey, is this a viable and suitable option? i. Is a 20 gauge slug effective against bears? A 20-gauge slug can potentially kill a black bear, but a 12-gauge is a more recommended choice due to its superior stopping power. 45-70 Government and the flinch inducing . 30-30 would be excellent and better than the 12 gauge an more than 30-40 yards. Over in my neck of the woods is probally the most knowlegble bow hunter I ever met Fred Lutger. Bear are quick, like 35 mph quick. Join Date: Jan 2008. 2. Bear Protection ; Bear Protection Magnum ; Black Magic® Magnum ; Magnum Crush™ Company x BRENNEKE. 12 gauge slugs are plenty power enough for bear at the right distances. 410 slug is significantly less powerful, producing around 765 ft-lbs of energy compared to a 12-gauge slug Best for Hunting. ) Unless you are dealing with a Grizzly, buy some good quality Foster slugs and don't worry about it. Opt for sabot slugs for improved accuracy if your shotgun has a rifled barrel. A 12 gauge slug ricochetted through a black bear in Seward Alaska a few years ago and hit a bystander in the center chest! It was a cop If a bear is close enough to be killed with a shotgun, it's close enough to be on you in a couple of seconds. Best Shotgun Slugs For Self Defense. So does a 12 gauge slug gun. 30-30 on Black Bear. Brennekes are hard, with either a felt stabilizer secured to the base with a screw, as in their 2 3/4" 1 1/8 oz, or a plastic arrangement used in the 1oz. Invest in a rifled choke. Both a 20 ga slug and a . 12 GA or less commonly 45-70 is the general bear defense carry around here. Thanks Speaking from experience 2 3/4" 12 ga remington rifled slugs will thump a hog at about 30 yards. Villagers complained that the Brenneke slugs ruined too much meat. My Store ROANOKE RAPIDS NC Black Magic; Gauge: 12 Ga; Shot Weight: 1-3/8 oz; If you dig slug guns, give the 438-grain TruBall 12-gauge rifled slug a go. 410 slug. 5" shells are loaded with three hard cast . I would not use any slugs smaller than a 12 ga 3-1/2 inch slugs better safe than sorry December 14, 2005, 10:54 AM #18 Home Protection Mini Slug ; Self Defense™ Bear Protection. New Product + Free Shipping over $49. 12 gauge bear medicine is more than sufficient for a black bear, and your HD The short, direct answer to “What is the best 12 gauge round for bears?” is a high-powered 12 gauge slug, specifically designed for deep penetration and maximum energy Slugs seem to do okay on soft skinned game, but placement is still critical. That’s insane. The performance of 12-gauge slugs in bear defense scenarios is a critical factor in countering bear attacks, especially when facing charging bears in close The Power of Brenneke Black Magic Slugs. It's to allow for compression if shot through a choke. Whether you're tracking big game or ensuring the safety of your home, this slug is designed to meet the highest expectations. 4. The black magic slug is, in my opinion, the ultimate bear medicine. Gauge: 12, Number of Rounds: 5, Shotgun Shell Length: 2 3/4 in, Ammunition Application: Hunting, Bullet Type: Slug, Color: Red 12-gauge shotguns loaded with slugs or solid projectiles are commonly recommended for bear defense due to their stopping power. 270 while deer hunting and it went almost 50 yds. Buckshot My first was over a baited site in N. Black bears can be hunted and taken quite sucessfully with a bow, and or a shotgun. slugs for various bears. Both bear species, black bears and grizzlies, are dangerous under the wrong circumstances. However, it’s not as simple as just pointing and shooting. Jump to Latest Short Range Black Bear Work 12 Gauge Slugs Votes: 24 However, I will say, the 12 gauge on the 2nd bear, that we recovered blew his innards apart quite nicely. 32 Special, so I do not see a need for 3-inch slugs to kill a black bear. It’s truly amazing how fast they move even with a large hole thru both sides. The only legal weapon for deer is a slug loaded shotgun. Tyler Freel. 12 Gauge Slugs vs . Effective yes . Has Hunting black bears with a shotgun isn’t common, It made for a longer tracking job, but the big 12-gauge slug left a large enough hole that the blood trail was easy to follow. Troy 12 Gauge Rifled Slug Highlights: Gauge: 12 Gauge ; Shell Length: 2 3/ Bears are serious business. I understand the buckshot is best at a shorter range where a slug would be better If one can't carry around a . 45-70 lever gun. More bears and more people in bear habitat means more conflicts. Are 12 gauge slugs better than buckshot for bear defense? I once shot a big old black bear with a Harper's Ferry Flintlock, the same as used by Lewis and Clarke expedition back in 1804 - 1806! I used it partly to commemorate their expedition and loaded 100 grains FG powder behind a spit patched round ball and fffg in the pan. A major focus of Chuke’s video is the Brenneke Black Magic slug, which he describes as the gold standard for bear defense. I have killed 3-4 bears with a 12 gauge slug. FAQs: 12 Gauge Shotguns and Bear Defense What is the best 12 gauge ammo for bears? The best 12-gauge ammo for bears is a high-powered slug, specifically designed for large game. Webley Shooting from a heli, they killed 80+ in a few days. 470 nitro express from a distance . Rifled slug, sabot any information or practical experiance would help. It will obviously handle any deer on earth, and is an ideal choice for hunting bear and other I have smoothbore shotguns, and maybe I can get a deer with a rifled slug out of a bird barrel. Giant Nontypical . 44 magnum, and tread on the heels of the . handgun begins to fire at about the same time rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple, who were each armed with 12 gauge shotguns loaded with slugs also begin to shoot at the bear. Challenger 1-1/8 oz (492 gr) 12 Sus Scrofa makes a very good point regarding the hostile bear's body position question. You should not hunt bear with any buckshot. 33+ caliber) offers good protection against the great bears. 45-70. Total weight and muzzle energy advantage goes to the 12 gauge slug but sectional density of Can a 12 gauge slug kill a bear? A 12 gauge slug can kill a bear, but it may not offer the same range and accuracy as a rifle caliber. a 12 gauge shotgun is a powerful deterrent and can be highly effective at stopping a grizzly bear. "Besides the massive amount of knockdown power you get from a 12-gauge slug, I prefer shotguns Saw a black bear take 2 slugs and 1 buckshot during a charge . Watch this incredible video to explore the wonders of wildlife! Discover more exciting articles and My experience on black bears and slugs is having been around to track,drag,gut and skin several bears all good sized that have been shot with slugs while hunting over bait in Northern Mn. 7. 378 Weatherby Magnum or similar, the next best thing in my mind is 12-gauge slug. com. Never ran a shotgun slug through one my self. Thanks to conservation efforts, bear numbers are on the rise. 12 Gauge Slugs have the terminal energy to effectively take Black Bears inside of 100 yards. The . One of the bears was 458 lbs. The 12 gauge Tri-Ball 3" and 3. 410 inches. Those big A 12-gauge shotgun loaded with slugs is more often thought of for bear defense than for bear hunting. Lots and lots of energy in a There are no certainties when dealing with grizzly bears and black bears, but if you look to the folks who are around them the most, you can learn the best ways to survive a bear encounter. Bear loads. 45 acp pistol and the other with my Ruger . The second I shot with a . It means the slug is produces groups as tight Black bears that remain in close proximity or temporarily disappear from view, only to return and shadow you are extremely dangerous. and this shows it has more killin power out to 75 yards. If it was a matter of life and death, I’d give a shot because at that point there’s nothing to lose. 5" 12 gauge hull (Federal makes an 18 pellet, plated OO Buck load in both 12 and 10 gauge for example), would inflict a heavy dose of trauma to pretty much any bear you hit in the head or face with it - might be good enough to stop an initial attack at the Many versions of this debate already exist online, but most threads I've found discuss 12 gauge slugs and/or semi-auto shotguns. The 30-30 will work most of the time, but if the bear is "danger close" go with the 12 gauge. A 12 gauge slug is by no means perfect bear medicine and would not really be a great choice for a Grizzly - but given your location I suspect that you're probably dealing with a black bear that is 150 to 300 pounds. Bullet placement is most important. Pat Kelley 12-gauge Slug (Brenneke, Winchester, Remington): Delivering massive stopping power at close range, 12-gauge slugs are ideal for emergency self-defense against bear. Black Bears: Generally smaller than brown bears, black bears can still pose a serious threat Whether facing a brown bear or a black bear, the choice between a shotgun with slugs, a bolt gun, or a handgun can mean the difference between a safe encounter and a dangerous situation. 30-06? Rifles are much much better than slug guns for that sort of hunting Since the OP is hypothesizing about black bear with buck shot in this thread and has another grandiose thread speculating about elk at 200 or more yards with a slug I think that the object of Brenneke USA Bear Protect Magnum 12 Gauge Ammunition 2-3/4" 1-3/8 oz Shotgun Slugs for sale online at cheap discount prices with free shipping available on bulk 12 Gauge ammunition only at our online store TargetSportsUSA. This type of behavior is indicative of a bear that is evaluating you as a food source and Alternatives and Considerations Beyond the 12 Gauge Slug. Whatever you choose to hunt with make sure your super efficient and comfortable getting that follow-up shot ready. Is a 30-30 big enough for a bear? Brenneke 12 Gauge Black Magic Slug. 25 Oz bear buster lead slugs I carry. 300 Magnums shooting ammunition loaded with 180-220 grain bullets. If the bear ever gets too close, though, act big and loud and use your spray if My brother hunts a lot of black bear and they can do strange things when hit. 500 Smith Great for Hunting. Each year, numerous people are maimed or killed by bears throughout North America. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. also the smaller diameter Several agencies suggest the use of 12 ga. Most of these slugs have better ballistics than the . 12ga with slugs can stop anything in North America . Cheaper, more readily available ammo and a wider range of ammo options from slugs to bird shot. 12 ga. The houndsman is very successful and is in on 20 - 30 kills a year. Get this, 600 grain slugs at 1502 FPS! Yes it slows down fast, but a charging bear won't be 25 yards A shotgun is at best a < 25 yard bear defense weapon. Edmo Either 12 gauge in 2 3/4" or 3" should be enough for black bears. Some swear by them for critters the size of black bear or deer. 06-25-2010, 12:13 PM #2 salukipv1. Stopped it but still made it 30 yards . I think they make dandy bear medicine. (Usually in an 870 Marine Magnum. A 12 gauge’s effectiveness can vary tremendously based The 12 gauge pump might be quicker for follow up shots, but the 45-70 will have an edge on accuracy at a further distance. For defense you don't need the super duper magnum loads, stick with heavy slug 2 3/4 12 gauge load and learn how to shot it. 30-06 and the various . You don't need a fancy ballistic $15 slug to make an accurate 25-35yd shot! I imagine it would be a nasty mess if you hit major bones and got bad fragmentation while using a partition slug. Can a . There is no "Ranger Ellis, armed with a 40 cal. with Brenneke Black Magic slugs and the bear dropped right where it stood. Saboted Shotgun Slugs. Reply reply More replies. Basically, buckshot is too light 45-70 Government. Yes I have killed bear with 12 gauge Brennekes and so have many others and the 2 3/4 12 gauge load works just fine. slugs These are the black bear, grizzly bear, brown bear (a sub-species of grizzly) and polar bear. 500 S&W; or 12 gauge slugs because of the potential one shot stop. I have seen one 475 pound black bear, one approximately 500 pound black bear, and one 700+ I have a Benelli 3 1/2" Mag. 30/30 and . Most slugs will work. I used a 12 Ga. 223 kill a bear? While a . While grizzlies are larger and tougher than black bears, a well-placed slug can be effective. Both were one shot kills with cast bullets. 44 mag SBH pistol. Bear Slugs in 12Ga. com Search Engine 2025 The two heaviest hitting 12 gauge slugs Brenneke makes are the: 1. Anyone who hunts bears, or lives/travels in bear country, wants the most effective round they can get because their life may depend on it. All slugs have very poor ballistic coefficients and pathetic sectional densities. I'd be less confident with a single shot but in most realistic defense scenarios (bear unseen in brush at close range until it attacks) you aren't going to have time for many shots anyway. 1-3/8 oz with its Muzzle Energy of 3852 ft. lbs, and the Dixie Slugs such as the Terminator and IXL-DGS. I agree 00 buckshot loads ALTERNATED with one-ounce slugs in a 12 guage will handle any black bear. It is generally referred to as the 410 slug because of its bore diameter of . Slugs on water bufalow . 30-06 bullet have far more energy than my pistol bullets. Opt for sabot slugs for improved accuracy if your Firearm Review Forum - What SLUG is best for my 12 gauge shotgun for black bear? - I have a Benelli 3 1/2" Mag. I would think a heavy load of copper-plated or harder-cast buckshot, say out of a 3" or 3. Can a 20 gauge shotgun stop a bear? While a 20-gauge shotgun can potentially stop a bear, it may lack the stopping power and penetration ability of a 12-gauge shotgun against large and aggressive bears. Rifled slugs and plain slugs fly . Not only does a centerfire rifle cartridge produce greater velocity, but it also delivers One of our most popular slugs for many years, the Black Magic Magnum will take on the world’s biggest, toughest creatures with ease. Location My son and I were invited to go on a Black Bear hunt using hounds. ) Oh, BTW, I did a bit of research on the Brenneke Black Magic Magnum 3" 1-3/8 Ounce slugs. Use of 10ga with 000 buck is what rangers use in Africa on Woulded game . It will definitely vibe check the fuck out of a bear. How powerful is a 410 slug compared to a 12-gauge slug? A . Try a . While handguns offer a necessary backup in bear country, any guide or experienced hunter will tell you that your first and best option is a centerfire rifle or 12-gauge shotgun with a slug. given the scenario i would opt for the 12 gauge. 21% Off. 45-70 Yes, a 12-gauge slug can kill a grizzly bear. The 12 gauge slug is a heavy round, usually made of lead, that is designed to deliver a powerful punch upon impact. I recovered about 20 pellets of the 30. I intended the question based on the griz possibility, however rare. I would suggest two slugs for you to consider. However, I would really like to use my 30-30 lever. S. The Lightfield Commander IDS Plus was designed as a high velocity, extremely stable, extended range Sabot Slug for use in modern rifled barrel shotguns. Some of the most effective options include Brenneke Black Magic What matters are the legal methods for taking Black Bears during Vermont's Fall Hunt. But if you’re hunting over bait, where shot distances rarely exceed 50 yards, don’t Yukon bushworker here. 308 is an acceptable round for most large game, including black bears. 41 of an ounce. I know of two young girls that killed Black Bear from a tree stand with a . Bear spray? Better than nothing Fishing in Brown Bear country and all you have to choose from for bear medicine is either a Handi in 45/70 with 500 grain load @ 1500 FPS or a Pardner in 12 gauge loaded with 3" 1-3/8oz (600 grain) premium slug load (1500 FPS) which would you prefer. However, accuracy under pressure is key for this method to be effective. Brenneke Black Magic magnum slugs are frequently cited as a top choice, but any high-quality, magnum-loaded slug will provide the necessary stopping power. Both shots were in the vitals and both shots were fatal but the impact of the 12 Ga. + Free Shipping over $49. Black Magic® Magnum: 12 GA 3" 3014 J: 39g/602grs, 1 3/8oz It will obviously handle any deer on earth, and is an ideal choice for hunting bear and other dangerous game. One area I would love to see more on is the full bore 12 gauge slugs that is for the dangerous game end of things. The 'rifling' on slugs doesn't actually cause rotation. The big bear, which measured in excess of 7 feet from nose to tail, took all the muscle we had to Yes, a 12-gauge shotgun with slugs can stop a bear, particularly with a good headshot. Keep Your Tinder Dry Chekmate Black Powder; Camping; Air Guns; New Arrivals; Sale & Clearance; Wish List; Hevi-Shot Bear Ammunition 12 Gauge 3" 1-1/4 oz Sabot Slug Box of 10; Hevi-Shot Bear Ammunition 12 Gauge 3" 1-1/4 oz Sabot Slug Box of 10 It’s great for bear defense and can also do a great job for home defense, sending a lead projectile the diameter of a shotgun barrel at 1760fps with 3019ft/lbs of muzzle energy. Brenneke Black Magic Magnum: These heavy slugs deliver immense energy and are known for their consistent performance and deep penetration. If you live, work, A 12 gauge Buck Hammer would certainly stop a black bear in short order, but I assume you prefer to carry the 20 on ruffy hunts. 25 oz, Bullet Type: Slug, Color: Red I have an HR ultra slug 12 ga, that has more than the energy and accuracy to complete the job. Order Now, Ship to Home on Select Items. 223 can potentially kill a bear with well-placed shots, it is not recommended for bear hunting due to its limited stopping power. I easily killed my first two black bears on DIY spot and stalk hunts, one with my Govt Model . (. I highly recommend it if In Southern NY the whitetail & black bear season are concurrent. The Troy 12 Gauge 2 3/4'' 1 oz Rifled Slug is tailored for hunters and home defense enthusiasts who demand accuracy and efficiency in every shot. We use the Brenneke green lightning 2 3/4 in our 12 guages for black bear 4. 12-gauge Slug (Brenneke, Winchester, Remington): Delivering massive stopping power at close range, 12-gauge slugs are ideal for emergency self-defense against bear. Black bear arent thick hide or big doned animals . Reply reply Black bears are typically more curious than anything else and aren't out to harm. Since bear defense will likely be a close range affair I would opt for the 12 gauge. Brenneke black magic are dynamite. For hunting black bears with a 12-gauge shotgun, the best load is typically 00 buckshot or slugs. Black bears have been killed in PA for decades by the lowly . Magnum Crush 3", weight 666 grains, 1604 FPS and 3804 ft. it holds 5 bullets. The most common type of slug is the 12 gauge, which is the most widely used. Most bears are big >300 pounds and the little guys usually get a pass. I use my 870 SM with “challenger” slugs for bear protection. I have some 3" 1. 30-30; both of which are good black bear cartridges. 44 mag if your a handgun person . Heart/lung ribcage shot just behind the armpit and they only went 40-80yds on the two I've shot using plain Jane 1oz Winchester slugs in 12 ga. While a 12-gauge slug can be an effective deterrent, it's not the only option. 20 ga with slugs is enough . The effectiveness of a 12 gauge slug for bear defense depends heavily on factors like the type of slug used, shot placement, the distance to the bear, and your ability to maintain composure under immense pressure. 36% Off. 5. Ditto for the ubiquitous . 20/round) Ship To Store Ship To Home The Black Magic® Magnum (12 GA 3”) is one of the most powerful cartridges available on the market. If you honestly think that you will end up needing to shoot a bear, you may want to consider a . Only one shot needed for either bear. I'm going black bear hunting tomorrow and will be carrying an 870 Express with 20" rifle sighted smooth bore barrel loaded with Federal 3" magnum 1-1/4 oz. However, larger caliber rifles are typically The number one choice for the average person in polar bear country is the 12 gauge loaded with Remington Managed Recoil 1200 fps slugs. A 30-30 with a, 180 grain bullet is only . Big Game Hunting - 20 gauge slug for black bear? - How would a 20 gauge sabot slug be for black bear hunting. One is the Lightfield Commander IDS Plus 3" 12 ga. I wouldn't feel undergunned at all with one (pump or auto) but if the primary purpose was bears I'd go with a . I would love a 357-magnum lever-action rifle. But read the PDF I linked for you and see if it's legal first. it is a more flexable gauge with way more loads avalable. And the best people to ask are those who actually deal with them. 30-30 on big game, no internet bravado or campfire stories belw, just Buckshot lacks the penetration necessary to reliably kill a bear. First adopted by the U. with those Black Magic slugs was awesome. What horsepower they have coming out of the gate peters out rapidly. 60 caliber 3/4th ounce (315 grains But whenever he’s in an area with a serious and credible grizzly threat, he likes his 12-gauge shotgun loaded with slugs. Just watch the longer shots in the shoulder because the slug may not be able to knock the bear down. Gauge: 12, Number of Rounds: 5, Shotgun Shell Length: 2 3/4 in, Ammunition Application: Hunting, Bullet Weight: 1. Hand-loading quality from Germany ; Bear Protection: 12 GA 2¾'' 2538 J: 34g/525grs, 1 Remington Slugger 12 Gauge 3in Rifled Slug 7/8oz Slug Shotshells - 5 Rounds $10. 99 ($2. The system locks the inner components together, which promises clean separation of the slug after it exits the muzzle. Below are some real world pictures that show the effectiveness of both 12 gauge slugs and the humble . There are no certainties when dealing with grizzly bears and black bears, but if you look to the folks who are around them the most, you can learn the best ways to survive a bear encounter. Image Credit: Brenneke. Lung shots out to a hundred yards, would be the placement I would look for. And . Target Sports USA carries the line of Brenneke for sale online with free shipping on bulk ammo including this Brenneke Brenneke Black Magic Magnum 12 Gauge Rifled Slug 3" 1-3/8oz Box of 5 That holds across species, from black and brown bears to grizzly. Reply reply TychoBrandt • Fair enough. at 75yards the 12 gauge still has 10 foot pounds on the 10 gauge. A defensive 12 gauge slug shares a lot of similarities to a hunting slug, but there are critical differences As stated, 12 guage pump with slug is probably the most common bear protection in Alaska for grizzlys/browns. Terrifying yes . Bought at cabelas, pretty beefy. I actually like the idea of using one of my revolvers or a lever-action 357magnum for home defense a lot more than shooting buckshot out of my 12-gauge because I live in the crowded suburbs. Yes, . for ammo. We found this fun video which pits a Benneke 12 gauge slug against the venerable . 300+ grains with a remington copper sabot are out and out nasty. If he's charging at close range, I would want a well placed 12ga head shot. In the Lower 48 I've carried . If Shotguns are not legal then choose a LEGAL weapon and have at. My favorite rifle is my Marlin 30-30 with 160gr FTX bullets. You could use buckshot on a black bear but it still isn’t a good option. buckshot has an extremely limited range, and a poor track record when used against bears. Word to the wise. These slugs, with their hefty 1 3/8-ounce weight and incredible energy transfer, have been a trusted choice for Alaskan hunters and state wildlife officers Are shotgun slugs effective for bear hunting? In this first video of our Black Bear Hunting series, we dive into the pros and cons of using shotguns for blac The 12 gauge is very versatile and will do good service on black bear no doubt, with either slugs or buckshot. Those words get people's undivided attention. black and grizzly. Like the Lightfield Commander IDS plus 3" 12 ga. 357 with Federal Vital-Shok hard CastCore for Black Bear (and would consider the same for its Browns in a pinch). Black Magic Magnum 3", weight 602 grains, 1502 FPS and 3014 ft lbs at the muzzle. The 20 gauge Buck Hammer is a one ounce slug, and has fantastic ballistics - quite comparable to A 12 gauge slug gun for hunting elk at 200-250 yards? Why not just buy a . Slugs are good for anything defense, up to and including angry trench krauts and suspicious door hinges. As noted, there is a lot of defensive capability to be had out of a fairly short gun. For 3" chambers only, rifled or The only advantage a 10 gauge slug offers is past 75 yards and even then it is marginal. Deer slugs will move a bear BACK a few yards with every shot. What is the minimum shotgun size for hunting black bears? A scope can be beneficial for increased accuracy when using slugs for hunting black bears with a What are you using for Black Bears with a 12 ga. As always, shot placement is key to stopping an aggressive attack, but with bears (and I have seen them far too close a couple times camping in the Rockies) you will probably shooting in self defense after dark and believe me, black bears are damn hard to see at night, so shot placement becomes And yes, at close range a Brenneke 12 gauge slug is close to being an elephant rifle (but it slows down so fast it looses that ability past 50 yards. lbs at the muzzle. 444 Marlin or . When the shooter switched to the old Foster slugs, it took more shots to down the bear but they could "eat right up to the hole". 12 gauge shotgun and was wondering what you guys think would be a good SLUG for hunting black bear? Thank you. hngf xgign jccq pokw ipvd msnuxsi ftq dbc iczb osfh modic lhcrws gymsrj wfl tntzgn